Skilled Dark Magician
Spellcaster / Effect

Each time a Spell Card is activated, place 1 Spell Counter on this card when that Spell resolves (max. 3). You can Tribute this card with 3 Spell Counters on it; Special Summon 1 "Dark Magician" from your hand, Deck, or GY.
CARD ID: 73752131
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
Powered by
TCG Set | Symbol | Rarity | Low | Avg | Trend | |
Dark Revelation Volume 1 | DR1-EN120 | Rare | - | - | - | |
Duelist League 15 participation cards | DL15-EN001 | Rare | - | - | - | |
Legendary Dragon Decks | LEDD-ENA06 | Common | - | - | - | |
Magician's Force | MFC-065 | Super Rare | - | - | - | |
Spellcaster's Command Structure Deck | SDSC-EN007 | Common | - | - | - | |
Starter Deck: Yugi Reloaded | YSYR-EN013 | Common | - | - | - | |
Structure Deck: Spellcaster's Judgment | SD6-EN006 | Common | - | - | - | |
Structure Deck: Yugi Muto | SDMY-EN021 | Common | - | - | - | |
Tournament Pack 7 | TP7-EN012 | Common | - | - | - | |
Yugi's Legendary Decks | YGLD-ENC19 | Common | - | - | - |
This monster appears in Dark Supremacy.
This card has several counterparts, each involving monsters used by Yugi Muto.
Buster Blader: Skilled White Magician
Gaia The Fierce Knight: Skilled Blue Magician
Archfiend: Skilled Red Magician
Kuriboh: Skilled Brown Magician
There are four Spell Counters total on Skilled Dark Magician. Three on his robe (the shoulders and center) and one on his staff.
In the anime, by the time 3 Spell Cards are activated, the Spell Counters on this monster's right shoulder, left shoulder and chest plate will glow in consecutive order.
The 黒魔術師 of this card's Japanese card name (pronounced Kuromajutsushi) can also mean Necromancer".
This card has several counterparts, each involving monsters used by Yugi Muto.
Buster Blader: Skilled White Magician
Gaia The Fierce Knight: Skilled Blue Magician
Archfiend: Skilled Red Magician
Kuriboh: Skilled Brown Magician
There are four Spell Counters total on Skilled Dark Magician. Three on his robe (the shoulders and center) and one on his staff.
In the anime, by the time 3 Spell Cards are activated, the Spell Counters on this monster's right shoulder, left shoulder and chest plate will glow in consecutive order.
The 黒魔術師 of this card's Japanese card name (pronounced Kuromajutsushi) can also mean Necromancer".
OCG Rulings
Tributing "Skilled Dark Magician" with three Spell Counters on it is a cost to activate its effect which Special Summons "Dark Magician".
You cannot activate the effect of "Skilled Dark Magician" or "Skilled White Magician" if you have no "Dark Magician" or "Buster Blader" in your hand/Deck/Graveyard.: Can the effect of "Skilled Dark Magician" be activated when there is no "Dark Magician" in your hand etc?
The effects of "Skilled Dark Magician" and "Skilled White Magician" are not activated by removing Spell Counters, so you cannot remove the Spell Counters from "Magical Citadel of Endymion" instead, regardless of the number of Spell Counters on "Skilled White Magician
You can only Tribute this monster for its effect during Main Phase 1 or 2 of your turn.
This monster's effect does NOT target and you select the monster when you resolve the effect, so if you Tribute it to Special Summon "Dark Magician" from your Graveyard and your opponent chains "Disappear" and removes that "Dark Magician", you can Special Summon a different "Dark Magician" from your hand/Deck/Graveyard instead.
If there are no "Dark Magician" in your hand, Deck, and Graveyard, you cannot activate "Skilled Dark Magician's" effect that Special Summons "Dark Magician".
If a player controls the opponent's "Skilled Dark Magician" and Tribute it with 3 Spell Counters, the player who controlled and Tributed the "Skilled Dark Magician" is the player who Special Summons "Dark Magician" from the hand, Deck, or Graveyard.
Magical Dimension: If you Summon a monster like "Skilled Dark Magician" and the opponent activates "Bottomless Trap Hole", you can chain "Magical Dimension" to Tribute "Skilled Dark Magician" and Special Summon another Spellcaster from your hand. This new monster will NOT be destroyed by "Bottomless Trap Hole".
Neo-Spacian Dark Panther: If you target a monster with an effect that accumulates Spell Counters, such as "Skilled Dark Magician", any Spell Counters on "Neo-Spacian Dark Panther" will be removed when its effect ends.
Skill Drain: Monsters that can hold Spell Counters, like "Skilled Dark Magician", no longer have that effect while "Skill Drain" is active, so they cannot gain more Spell Counters and all Spell Counters already placed on them are removed.
Spell Counter Rulings
{{:Card Rulings:Spell Counter