Doczekaliśmy się i dzisiaj siadł dość spory update (oficjalny!) zasad dotyczących Battle Phase (konkretnie rozgrywania Damage Step). Póki co wrzucam nowe info tutaj, później wrzucę je w artykuł. Pierwszy post jest jak najbardziej poprawny, z wyjątkiem, że kilka kroków zostało scalonych. Co za tym idzie, będziemy trochę częściej korzystali z SEGOC'a.
Start of the Damage Step* You declare that you are entering the Damage Step.
* effects that activate "at the start of the damage step"
Before Damage Calculation* If the monster being attacked is face-down, flip it face-up. Then, cards or effects that modify ATK/DEF can activate. If the monster has a Trigger Effect that activates by being flipped face-up, it does not activate yet.
* effects that activate "before damage calculation"
Perform Damage Calculation* Cards or effects that can activate "during damage calculation" activate/resolve, then the damage calculation is performed.
* Compare ATK/DEF and apply damage to Life Points.
* Determine whether either monster will be destroyed by battle or not, but do not send it to the Graveyard yet.
* effects that activate "during damage calculation"
After Damage Calculation* Effects that activate as a result of battle happen here.
* Trigger effects that activate by being flipped face-up, of monsters flipped face-up "before damage calculation," happen here.
* A monster that was determined to be destroyed is still not sent to the Graveyard.
* effects that activate "when this card battles" or "attacks or is attacked"
* effects that acitvate "when battle damage is inflicted" or "when you take damage"
* effects that activate "after damage calculation"
* FLIP: effects
* effects that activate "when this card is flipped face-up"
End of the Damage Step* If a monster was determined to be destroyed by the battle during damage calculation, send it to the Graveyard first.
* Then effects that activate when a monster is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, activate now.
* Then if all effects activates/resolves and you would end the Damage Step, effects that apply "until the end of the Damage Step" disappear
* After the end of the Damage Step, return to the Battle Step. If the turn player does not want to attack again after that, go to the End Step.
* effects that activate "when a monster is destroyed by battle"
* effects that activate "when a monster is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard"
* effects that activate "when a monster destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard"
* effects that activate "at the end of the Damage Step"