Wątek: [TCG][Speed Duel Format] Speed Duel: Attack from the Deep  (Przeczytany 2674 razy)

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Jeszcze oczekujemy na premierę pierwszego boostera do formatu Speed Duel, a na horyzoncie pojawia się już zapowiedź kolejnego. Przed nami:

Speed Duel: Attack from the Deep!

Data premiery: 31 maja 2019

W dodatku:
34 Common
8 Super Rare
8 Ultra Rare

W tym 45 kart do budowy talii i 5 nowych kart Skill

Nowego Skilla doczeka sie Kaiba i najpewniej będzie on związany ze strategią na kartach wirusów, której używał w anime do niszczenia talii przeciwnia.

Drugi skill, który otrzymamy, należy do Joeya, jednakże wiemy tylko tyle, że się z jego niesamowitym fartem i będzie można go aktywować raz na duel. Czyżby umiejętność pozwalająca nam modyfikować wybiki rzutów kością? Przekonamy się :D

Po wzmocnieniu dotychczasowych bohaterów czas na postać dodatku. Jak nazwa boostera implikuje - swojego pierwszego występu w Speed Duel doczeka się Mako Tsunami, który na start otrzyma 3 skille. W boosterze będziemy mogli trafić między innymi jego asy - Levia-Dragon - Daedalus oraz The Legendary Fisherman.

Oprócz tego możemy spodziewać sie stapli przydatnych w różnych taliach - Dust Tornado, Blade Knight oraz Magician of Faith
« Ostatnia zmiana: 11 Kwietnia, 2019, 21:35:58 Flasher »


Znamy już wszystkie karty poza Skill Cards ;)

SBAD-EN001 Magician of Faith
SBAD-EN002 Apprentice Magician
SBAD-EN003 Mystical Elf
SBAD-EN004 Magical Undertaker
SBAD-EN005 Arcane Barrier
SBAD-EN006 Blade Knight
SBAD-EN007 Dweller in the Depths
SBAD-EN008 Gilford the Lightning
SBAD-EN009 Axe Raider
SBAD-EN010 Fusion Recovery
SBAD-EN011 Sonic Bird
SBAD-EN012 Great Phantom Thief
SBAD-EN013 Djinn Disserere of Rituals
SBAD-EN014 Fulfillment of the Contract
SBAD-EN015 Amazoness Trainee
SBAD-EN016 Robbin' Zombie
SBAD-EN017 Zombina
SBAD-EN018 Goblin Zombie
SBAD-EN019 Sword of Dark Destruction
SBAD-EN020 Pyramid of Wonders
SBAD-EN021 Great White
SBAD-EN022 High Tide Gyojin
SBAD-EN023 The Legendary Fisherman
SBAD-EN024 Yomi Ship
SBAD-EN025 Levia-Dragon - Daedalus
SBAD-EN026 Lost Blue Breaker
SBAD-EN027 Fishborg Planter
SBAD-EN028 Imairuka
SBAD-EN029 Slushy
SBAD-EN030 Power of Kaishin
SBAD-EN031 Umi
SBAD-EN032 Big Wave Small Wave
SBAD-EN033 Water Hazard
SBAD-EN034 Moray of Greed
SBAD-EN035 Warrior Dai Grepher
SBAD-EN036 Sonic Duck
SBAD-EN037 Sinister Serpent
SBAD-EN038 Theban Nightmare
SBAD-EN039 Infernity Beast
SBAD-EN040 Ryu Senshi
SBAD-EN041 Warrior Elimination
SBAD-EN042 Mask of the Accursed
SBAD-EN043 Dust Tornado
SBAD-EN044 Ready for Intercepting
SBAD-EN045 The Forceful Checkpoint


Nowe skille:

SBAD-ENS01 Mako Tsunami The World’s Greatest Fisherman (Ultra Rare)
Once per turn, you can pay 500 LP and discard 1 WATER monster, then add 1 WATER monster from your GY to your hand, with a different name and with a Level no more than twice the discarded monster’s Level. If you do that, flip this card over.

SBAD-ENS02 Mako Tsunami Mythic Depths (Super Rare)
All Fish, Sea Serpent, Thunder, and Aqua monsters on the field gain 200 ATK/DEF. All Machine and Pyro monsters on the field lose 200 ATK/DEF. This card’s name becomes “Umi” while on the field.

SBAD-ENS04 Joey Wheeler It’s My Lucky Day! (Super Rare)
When you activate an effect that would make you roll a six-sided die (or dice) or flip a coin(s), you can pay 1000 LP to decide the result of 1 die or coin. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.

SBAD-ENS05 Seto Kaiba Viral Infection (Ultra Rare)
Once per turn, discard any number of cards and declare 1 type of card (Monster, Spell, or Trap). Your opponent sends 1 card of the declared type from their Deck to the GY for each discarded card. If you do that, flip this card over.

Oraz rarity:

Ultra Rares(8/8)
SBAD-EN001 Magician of Faith
SBAD-EN006 Blade Knight
SBAD-EN008 Gilford the Lightning
SBAD-ENS01 The World’s Greatest Fisherman
SBAD-ENS05 Viral Infection
SBAD-EN011 Sonic Bird
SBAD-EN025 Levia-Dragon - Daedalus
SBAD-EN045 The Forceful Checkpoint

Super Rares(6/8)
SBAD-EN017 Zombina
SBAD-EN024 Yomi Ship
SBAD-EN040 Ryu Senshi
SBAD-EN043 Dust Tornado
SBAD-ENS02 Mythic Depths
SBAD-ENS04 It's My Lucky Day!
[/b]SBAD-EN002 Apprentice Magician

SBAD-EN003 Mystical Elf
SBAD-EN004 Magical Undertaker
SBAD-EN005 Arcane Barrier
SBAD-EN007 Dweller in the Depths
SBAD-EN009 Axe Raider
SBAD-EN010 Fusion Recovery
SBAD-EN012 Great Phantom Thief
SBAD-EN013 Djinn Disserere of Rituals
SBAD-EN014 Fulfillment of the Contract
SBAD-EN015 Amazoness Trainee
SBAD-EN016 Robbin' Zombie
SBAD-EN018 Goblin Zombie
SBAD-EN019 Sword of Dark Destruction
SBAD-EN020 Pyramid of Wonders
SBAD-EN021 Great White
SBAD-EN022 High Tide Gyojin
SBAD-EN023 The Legendary Fisherman
SBAD-EN026 Lost Blue Breaker
SBAD-EN027 Fishborg Planter
SBAD-EN028 Imairuka
SBAD-EN029 Slushy
SBAD-EN030 Power of Kaishin
SBAD-EN031 Umi
SBAD-EN032 Big Wave Small Wave
SBAD-EN033 Water Hazard
SBAD-EN034 Moray of Greed
SBAD-EN035 Warrior Dai Grepher
SBAD-EN036 Sonic Duck
SBAD-EN037 Sinister Serpent
SBAD-EN038 Theban Nightmare
SBAD-EN039 Infernity Beast
SBAD-EN041 Warrior Elimination
SBAD-EN042 Mask of the Accursed
SBAD-EN044 Ready for Intercepting

Idzie przypływ. Czy zmiecie metę?
« Ostatnia zmiana: 30 Maja, 2019, 09:37:57 Razmus »

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