Wątek: [TCG][MP15] 2015 Mega-Tin  (Przeczytany 2031 razy)

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Kanashimi Tomo

[TCG][MP15] 2015 Mega-Tin
« 02 Maj, 2015, 07:02:18 »

Rok temu Konami wypuściło produkt o nazwie "Mega-Tin". Kontynuując tradycję już tej jesieni gracze będą mieli okazję dorwać nowe puchy, których coverami będą Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon oraz Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon.

Tak samo jak wcześniej : Mega Tiny przyniosą kompilację najlepszych kart dostępnych wcześniej jedynie w booster packach wydanych w tym sezonie.

Zawartość Mega Tina :
-3 Mega Packi (w każdym z nich : 12 kart Common, 1 Rare, 1 Super Rare, 1 Ultra Rare i 1 Secret Rare)
-1 kartę Platinum Secret Rare będącą jednocześnie coverem danego tina
-2 karty Super Rare (takie jak Majesty's Fiend oraz Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer)

Prawdopodobna premiera : 18 Wrzesień

Źródło : Reprint bezsensowny dla sędziego
« Ostatnia zmiana: 12 Listopad, 2015, 14:29:55 Izorist »


Odp: [TCG] 2015 Mega-Tin
« #1 02 Maj, 2015, 08:17:49 »
O, fajnie - kolejny tin o charakterze odsprzedawczym.  ;D


Odp: [TCG] 2015 Mega-Tin
« #2 02 Maj, 2015, 08:55:41 »
Lol co roku będzie się teraz odbywał przedruk dodatków z całego roku. Dostajemy najszybsze przedruki ever ; p


Odp: [TCG] 2015 Mega-Tin
« #3 02 Maj, 2015, 10:14:52 »
Lol co roku będzie się teraz odbywał przedruk dodatków z całego roku. Dostajemy najszybsze przedruki ever ; p

I tak znajdą się ludzie którzy będą narzekać. ;P Fajna rzecz, choć do 18 września to wiele z tych kart moze być już ździebko... nieaktualnych. :D


Odp: [TCG] 2015 Mega-Tin
« #4 05 Maj, 2015, 20:29:05 »


Odp: [TCG] 2015 Mega-Tin
« #5 07 Maj, 2015, 19:34:03 »
No to mam dla was mega info! No(r)den nadciąga!!! Musieli zakombinować z nazwami, żeby nie mieć problemów z prawami autorskimi.

The Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon Mega-Tin comes with:
- 3 x 16-card Mega-Packs. Each Mega-Pack contains 1 Secret Rare, 1 Ultra Rare, 1 Super Rare, 1 Rare and 12 Common cards, including cards from the following booster sets: Primal Origin, Duelist Alliance, The New Challengers, and Secrets of Eternity
- 1 Platinum Secret Rare Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
- 1 Super Rare Elder Entity Norden
- 1 Super Rare Majesty's Fiend

The Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon Mega-Tin comes with:
- 3 x 16-card Mega-Packs. Each Mega-Pack contains 1 Secret Rare, 1 Ultra Rare, 1 Super Rare, 1 Rare and 12 Common cards, including cards from the following booster sets: Primal Origin, Duelist Alliance, The New Challengers, and Secrets of Eternity
- 1 Platinum Secret Rare Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
- 1 Super Rare Old Entity Hastorr
- 1 Super Rare Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer

« Ostatnia zmiana: 21 Maj, 2015, 06:41:30 Fallen Angel Tomo »


Odp: [TCG] 2015 Mega-Tin
« #6 07 Maj, 2015, 19:49:04 »
Wiecie co to znaczy?

(kliknij aby pokazać/ukryć)

Kanashimi Tomo

Odp: [TCG] 2015 Mega-Tin
« #7 07 Maj, 2015, 19:52:50 »
Kur....den i H*jstorr are coming xD

Srsly, Konami wie, jak zrobić suprise xD


Odp: [TCG] 2015 Mega-Tin
« #8 07 Maj, 2015, 19:59:12 »
Że też musieli dać fajniejsze promki do tego brzydszego wyglądem tina, ech.. xd No ale na bogato widzę, lepsze promki niż rok temu z pewnością, szczególnie z tym Nodenem. xd


Odp: [TCG] 2015 Mega-Tin
« #9 07 Maj, 2015, 20:18:47 »
Ja już zamawiam tiny w GL.


Odp: [TCG] 2015 Mega-Tin
« #10 09 Maj, 2015, 11:44:21 »
To jest nas dwóch. Promki naprawdę spoko ;d

Kanashimi Tomo

Odp: [TCG] 2015 Mega-Tin
« #11 05 Wrzesień, 2015, 07:54:33 »
Update! Natknąłem się na zdjęcia promek i paru kart z MP15. Fake czy true? Oceńcie sami ;)
(kliknij aby pokazać/ukryć)

More (thanks to Nick from Alter Reality Games) :
(kliknij aby pokazać/ukryć)
« Ostatnia zmiana: 06 Wrzesień, 2015, 08:52:04 Fallen Angel Tomo »


Odp: [TCG] 2015 Mega-Tin
« #12 10 Wrzesień, 2015, 16:59:39 »
Spoiler holo kart z mega packów 2015:

Secret Rare (26/??)

MP15-EN021 Thestalos the Mega Monarch
MP15-EN028 Orea, the Sylvan High Arbiter
MP15-EN029 Bujinki Amaterasu
MP15-EN033 Rank-Up-Magic - The Seventh One
MP15-EN038 Forbidden Scripture
MP15-EN046 Noble Knight Brothers
MP15-EN051 Gladiator Beast Nerokius
MP15-EN091 Raiza the Mega Monarch
MP15-EN096 Baxia, Brightness of the Yang Zing
MP15-EN098 Stellarknight Delteros
MP15-EN105 Yang Zing Path
MP15-EN108 Magical Spring
MP15-EN119 Time-Space Trap Hole
MP15-EN121 Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss
MP15-EN145 Qliphort Disk
MP15-EN160 El Shaddoll Grysta
MP15-EN161 El Shaddoll Shekhinaga
MP15-EN163 Yazi, Evil of the Yang Zing
MP15-EN186 Solemn Scolding
MP15-EN187 Virgil, Rock Star of the Burning Abyss
MP15-EN190 Number 99: Utopic Dragon
MP15-EN209 Infernoid Onuncu
MP15-EN219 Nekroz of Gungnir
MP15-EN230 Nephe Shaddoll Fusion
MP15-EN233 Pot of Riches
MP15-EN234 A Wild Monster Appears!

Ultra Rare (39/??)

MP15-EN016 Sylvan Hermitree
MP15-EN017 Bujin Hirume
MP15-EN019 Madolche Anjelly
MP15-EN022 Number 62: Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon
MP15-EN027 Artifact Durendal
MP15-EN034 Artifact Ignition
MP15-EN036 Sylvan Charity
MP15-EN041 Artifact Sanctum
MP15-EN049 Bujingi Sinyou
MP15-EN052 Noble Knights of the Round Table
MP15-EN074 Satellarknight Deneb
MP15-EN087 Chiwen, Light of the Yang Zing
MP15-EN093 El Shaddoll Winda
MP15-EN094 El Shaddoll Construct
MP15-EN095 Saffira, Queen of Dragons
MP15-EN113 Stellarnova Alpha
MP15-EN114 Sinister Shadow Games
MP15-EN116 Yang Zing Creation
MP15-EN120 Doomstar Magician
MP15-EN123 Felis, Lightsworn Archer
MP15-EN144 Qliphort Scout
MP15-EN151 Jiaotu, Darkness of the Yang Zing
MP15-EN153 Night Dragolich
MP15-EN154 Zaborg the Mega Monarch
MP15-EN155 Denko Sekka
MP15-EN157 Herald of Ultimateness
MP15-EN165 Stellarknight Triverr
MP15-EN171 Saqlifice
MP15-EN185 Fusion Reserve
MP15-EN204 Infernoid Harmadik
MP15-EN210 Qliphort Stealth
MP15-EN211 Apoqliphort Skybase
MP15-EN215 Caius the Mega Monarch
MP15-EN220 Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
MP15-EN222 Metaphys Horus
MP15-EN224 Stellarknight Constellar Diamond
MP15-EN225 Sky Cavalry Centaurea
MP15-EN240 Eye of the Void
MP15-EN245 Swordsman of Revealing Light

Super Rare (35/??)

MP15-EN001 Artifact Scythe
MP15-EN006 Artifact Moralltach
MP15-EN023 Number C107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon
MP15-EN024 Number C102: Archfiend Seraph
MP15-EN030 Cairngorgon, Antiluminescent Knight
MP15-EN040 Tachyon Chaos Hole
MP15-EN044 The Monarchs Erupt
MP15-EN047 Noble Knight Eachtar
MP15-EN048 Sylvan Princessprout
MP15-EN050 Vampire Vamp
MP15-EN053 Avalon
MP15-EN054 Escalation of the Monarchs
MP15-EN059 Foucault's Cannon
MP15-EN083 Suanni, Fire of the Yang Zing
MP15-EN084 Bi'an, Earth of the Yang Zing
MP15-EN085 Bixi, Water of the Yang Zing
MP15-EN086 Pulao, Wind of the Yang Zing
MP15-EN097 Samsara, Dragon of Rebirth
MP15-EN103 Shaddoll Fusion
MP15-EN115 Shaddoll Core
MP15-EN150 Taotie, Shadow of the Yang Zing
MP15-EN162 First of the Dragons
MP15-EN164 Herald of the Arc Light
MP15-EN169 1st Movement Solo
MP15-EN174 El Shaddoll Fusion
MP15-EN188 Number 39: Utopia Beyond
MP15-EN189 CXyz Barian Hope
MP15-EN197 Superheavy Samurai Flutist
MP15-EN198 Superheavy Samurai Trumpeter
MP15-EN203 Infernoid Antra
MP15-EN214 Jinzo - Jector
MP15-EN216 Lightning Rod Lord
MP15-EN221 El Shaddoll Wendigo
MP15-EN228 Void Seer
MP15-EN241 Void Launch

ŹRÓDŁO: http://silver-cards.de/news/mega-pack-2015-kartenspoiler/
« Ostatnia zmiana: 10 Wrzesień, 2015, 17:05:06 Razmus »


Odp: [TCG] 2015 Mega-Tin
« #13 12 Wrzesień, 2015, 11:59:27 »
Pełna zawartość
MP15-EN001Artifact ScytheSuper Rare
MP15-EN002Galaxy Mirror SageCommon
MP15-EN003Galaxy TyrannoRare
MP15-EN004Heliosphere DragonCommon
MP15-EN005Blizzard ThunderbirdCommon
MP15-EN006Artifact MoralltachSuper Rare
MP15-EN007Artifact BeagalltachCommon
MP15-EN008Artifact FailnaughtCommon
MP15-EN009Artifact AegisCommon
MP15-EN010Artifact AchilleshieldCommon
MP15-EN011Artifact LabrysCommon
MP15-EN012Artifact CaduceusRare
MP15-EN013Sylvan CherubsproutCommon
MP15-EN014Sylvan SnapdrassinagonRare
MP15-EN015Sylvan LotuswainCommon
MP15-EN016Sylvan SagequoiaUltra Rare
MP15-EN017Bujin HirumeUltra Rare
MP15-EN018Traptrix DionaeaRare
MP15-EN019Madolche AnjellyUltra Rare
MP15-EN020Gladiator Beast AugustusRare
MP15-EN021Thestalos the Mega MonarchSecret Rare
MP15-EN022Number 62: Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon DragonUltra Rare
MP15-EN023Number C107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon DragonSuper Rare
MP15-EN024Number C102: Archfiend SeraphSuper Rare
MP15-EN025Number 43: Manipulator of SoulsCommon
MP15-EN026Number C43: High Manipulator of ChaosRare
MP15-EN027Artifact DurendalUltra Rare
MP15-EN028Orea, the Sylvan High ArbiterSecret Rare
MP15-EN029Bujinki AmaterasuSecret Rare
MP15-EN030Cairngorgon, Antiluminescent KnightSuper Rare
MP15-EN031Phonon Pulse DragonRare
MP15-EN032Galactic CharityCommon
MP15-EN033Rank-Up-Magic - The Seventh OneSecret Rare
MP15-EN034Artifact IgnitionUltra Rare
MP15-EN035Artifacts UnleashedCommon
MP15-EN036Sylvan CharityUltra Rare
MP15-EN038Forbidden ScriptureSecret Rare
MP15-EN039Double Dragon DescentCommon
MP15-EN040Tachyon Chaos HoleSuper Rare
MP15-EN041Artifact SanctumUltra Rare
MP15-EN042Sylvan WaterslideCommon
MP15-EN044The Monarchs EruptSuper Rare
MP15-EN045And the Band Played OnCommon
MP15-EN046Noble Knight BrothersSecret Rare
MP15-EN047Noble Knight EachtarSuper Rare
MP15-EN048Sylvan PrincessproutSuper Rare
MP15-EN049Bujingi SinyouUltra Rare
MP15-EN050Vampire VampSuper Rare
MP15-EN051Gladiator Beast NerokiusSecret Rare
MP15-EN052Noble Knights of the Round TableUltra Rare
MP15-EN053AvalonSuper Rare
MP15-EN054Escalation of the MonarchsSuper Rare
MP15-EN055Number 42: Galaxy TomahawkCommon
MP15-EN056Number 48: Shadow LichCommon
MP15-EN057Galaxy DragonCommon
MP15-EN058Flash KnightRare
MP15-EN059Foucault's CannonSuper Rare
MP15-EN060Metaphys Armed DragonCommon
MP15-EN061Performapal Skeeter SkimmerCommon
MP15-EN062Performapal Whip SnakeRare
MP15-EN063Performapal Sword FishCommon
MP15-EN064Performapal Hip HippoCommon
MP15-EN065Performapal KaleidoscorpRare
MP15-EN066Performapal Turn ToadRare
MP15-EN067Superheavy Samurai Blue BrawlerCommon
MP15-EN068Superheavy Samurai SwordsmanCommon
MP15-EN069Superheavy Samurai Big BenkeiRare
MP15-EN070Aria the Melodious DivaCommon
MP15-EN071Sonata the Melodious DivaCommon
MP15-EN072Mozarta the Melodious MaestraRare
MP15-EN073Battleguard KingCommon
MP15-EN074Satellarknight DenebUltra Rare
MP15-EN075Satellarknight AltairRare
MP15-EN076Satellarknight VegaCommon
MP15-EN077Satellarknight UnukalhaiCommon
MP15-EN078Shaddoll FalcoRare
MP15-EN079Shaddoll HedgehogCommon
MP15-EN080Shaddoll SquamataCommon
MP15-EN081Shaddoll DragonRare
MP15-EN082Shaddoll BeastRare
MP15-EN083Suanni, Fire of the Yang ZingSuper Rare
MP15-EN084Bi'an, Earth of the Yang ZingSuper Rare
MP15-EN085Bixi, Water of the Yang ZingSuper Rare
MP15-EN086Pulao, Wind of the Yang ZingSuper Rare
MP15-EN087Chiwen, Light of the Yang ZingUltra Rare
MP15-EN088Artifact ChakramCommon
MP15-EN089Artifact LanceaCommon
MP15-EN090Djinn Demolisher of RitualsCommon
MP15-EN091Raiza the Mega MonarchSecret Rare
MP15-EN092Deskbot 001Common
MP15-EN093El Shaddoll WindaUltra Rare
MP15-EN094El Shaddoll ConstructUltra Rare
MP15-EN095Saffira, Queen of DragonsUltra Rare
MP15-EN096Baxia, Brightness of the Yang ZingSecret Rare
MP15-EN097Samsara, Dragon of RebirthSuper Rare
MP15-EN098Stellarknight DelterosSecret Rare
MP15-EN099Hippo CarnivalCommon
MP15-EN100Feast of the Wild LV5Common
MP15-EN101Stellarknight AlphaCommon
MP15-EN102Satellarknight SkybridgeRare
MP15-EN103Shaddoll FusionSuper Rare
MP15-EN104Curse of the Shadow PrisonCommon
MP15-EN105Yang Zing PathSecret Rare
MP15-EN106Yang Zing PranaCommon
MP15-EN107Hymn of LightCommon
MP15-EN108Magical SpringSecret Rare
MP15-EN109The Monarchs StormforthCommon
MP15-EN110Battleguard RageCommon
MP15-EN111Battleguard HowlingCommon
MP15-EN112Stellarnova WaveCommon
MP15-EN113Stellarnova AlphaUltra Rare
MP15-EN114Sinister Shadow GamesUltra Rare
MP15-EN115Shaddoll CoreSuper Rare
MP15-EN116Yang Zing CreationUltra Rare
MP15-EN117Yang Zing UnleashedCommon
MP15-EN118Chain DispelCommon
MP15-EN119Time-Space Trap HoleSecret Rare
MP15-EN120Doomstar MagicianUltra Rare
MP15-EN121Dante, Traveler of the Burning AbyssSecret Rare
MP15-EN122Number 58: Burner VisorCommon
MP15-EN123Felis, Lightsworn ArcherUltra Rare
MP15-EN124Panzer DragonRare
MP15-EN126Performapal CheermoleRare
MP15-EN127Performapal TrampolynxRare
MP15-EN128Canon the Melodious DivaCommon
MP15-EN129Serenade the Melodious DivaCommon
MP15-EN130Elegy the Melodious DivaCommon
MP15-EN131Shopina the Melodious MaestraRare
MP15-EN132Superheavy Samurai KabutoCommon
MP15-EN133Superheavy Samurai ScalesRare
MP15-EN134Superheavy Samurai Soulfire SuitCommon
MP15-EN135Superheavy Samurai Soulshield WallCommon
MP15-EN136Superheavy Samurai Soulbreaker ArmorCommon
MP15-EN137Superheavy Samurai Soulbang CannonCommon
MP15-EN138Fluffal LeoCommon
MP15-EN139Fluffal BearCommon
MP15-EN140Fluffal DogRare
MP15-EN141Fluffal OwlRare
MP15-EN142Fluffal CatCommon
MP15-EN143Fluffal RabbitCommon
MP15-EN144Qliphort ScoutUltra Rare
MP15-EN145Qliphort DiskSecret Rare
MP15-EN146Satellarknight SiriusRare
MP15-EN147Satellarknight ProcyonCommon
MP15-EN148Satellarknight BetelgeuseCommon
MP15-EN149Shaddoll HoundCommon
MP15-EN150Taotie, Shadow of the Yang ZingSuper Rare
MP15-EN151Jiaotu, Darkness of the Yang ZingUltra Rare
MP15-EN153Night DragolichUltra Rare
MP15-EN154Zaborg the Mega MonarchUltra Rare
MP15-EN155Denko SekkaUltra Rare
MP15-EN156Deskbot 002Common
MP15-EN157Herald of UltimatenessUltra Rare
MP15-EN158Frightfur BearRare
MP15-EN159Frightfur WolfRare
MP15-EN160El Shaddoll GrystaSecret Rare
MP15-EN161El Shaddoll ShekhinagaSecret Rare
MP15-EN162First of the DragonsSuper Rare
MP15-EN163Yazi, Evil of the Yang ZingSecret Rare
MP15-EN164Herald of the Arc LightSuper Rare
MP15-EN165Stellarknight TriverrUltra Rare
MP15-EN166Wonder BalloonsCommon
MP15-EN168Draw MuscleRare
MP15-EN1691st Movement SoloSuper Rare
MP15-EN170Toy VendorCommon
MP15-EN171SaqlificeUltra Rare
MP15-EN172Laser QlipCommon
MP15-EN174El Shaddoll FusionSuper Rare
MP15-EN176Oracle of the HeraldCommon
MP15-EN177Strike of the MonarchsCommon
MP15-EN178Command PerformanceCommon
MP15-EN179Performapal RevivalCommon
MP15-EN181The Phantom Knights of Shadow VeilCommon
MP15-EN182Qlimate ChangeCommon
MP15-EN183Qlipper LaunchCommon
MP15-EN184Yang Zing BrutalityCommon
MP15-EN185Fusion ReserveUltra Rare
MP15-EN186Solemn ScoldingSecret Rare
MP15-EN187Virgil, Rock Star of the Burning AbyssSecret Rare
MP15-EN188Number 39: Utopia BeyondSuper Rare
MP15-EN189CXyz Barian HopeSuper Rare
MP15-EN190Number 99: Utopic DragonSecret Rare
MP15-EN191Performapal Fire MufflerlionCommon
MP15-EN192Performapal PartnagaCommon
MP15-EN193Performapal FriendonkeyCommon
MP15-EN194Performapal SpikeagleCommon
MP15-EN195Performapal Stamp TurtleCommon
MP15-EN196Performapal Trump WitchRare
MP15-EN197Superheavy Samurai FlutistSuper Rare
MP15-EN198Superheavy Samurai TrumpeterCommon
MP15-EN199Superheavy Samurai SoulpiercerCommon
MP15-EN200Superheavy Samurai SoulbeadsCommon
MP15-EN201Raidraptor - Vanishing LaniusCommon
MP15-EN202Gem-Knight LapisCommon
MP15-EN203Infernoid AntraSuper Rare
MP15-EN204Infernoid HarmadikUltra Rare
MP15-EN205Infernoid PatruleaRare
MP15-EN206Infernoid PiatyCommon
MP15-EN207Infernoid SeitsemasCommon
MP15-EN208Infernoid AttondelCommon
MP15-EN209Infernoid OnuncuSecret Rare
MP15-EN210Qliphort StealthUltra Rare
MP15-EN211Apoqliphort SkybaseUltra Rare
MP15-EN212Satellarknight CapellaCommon
MP15-EN213Dance Princess of the NekrozRare
MP15-EN214Jinzo - JectorSuper Rare
MP15-EN215Caius the Mega MonarchUltra Rare
MP15-EN216Lightning Rod LordSuper Rare
MP15-EN218Deskbot 003Common
MP15-EN219Nekroz of GungnirSecret Rare
MP15-EN220Rune-Eyes Pendulum DragonUltra Rare
MP15-EN221El Shaddoll WendigoSuper Rare
MP15-EN222Metaphys HorusUltra Rare
MP15-EN223Raidraptor - Rise FalconCommon
MP15-EN224Stellarknight Constellar DiamondUltra Rare
MP15-EN225Sky Cavalry CentaureaUltra Rare
MP15-EN226Illusion BalloonsCommon
MP15-EN227Raidraptor - NestRare
MP15-EN228Void SeerSuper Rare
MP15-EN229Void ExpansionRare
MP15-EN230Nephe Shaddoll FusionSecret Rare
MP15-EN231Nekroz CycleRare
MP15-EN232Tenacity of the MonarchsRare
MP15-EN233Pot of RichesSecret Rare
MP15-EN234A Wild Monster Appears!Secret Rare
MP15-EN235Pendulum ShiftCommon
MP15-EN236Performapal CallCommon
MP15-EN237Wall of DisruptionCommon
MP15-EN238Last Minute CancelCommon
MP15-EN239Raidraptor - ReadinessCommon
MP15-EN240Eye of the VoidUltra Rare
MP15-EN241Void LaunchSuper Rare
MP15-EN243Echo OscillationCommon
MP15-EN244Toy KnightCommon
MP15-EN245Swordsman of Revealing LightUltra Rare
MP15-EN246Level LifterCommon
MP15-EN247Soul StrikeCommon
« Ostatnia zmiana: 15 Wrzesień, 2015, 11:28:13 Fallen Angel Tomo »


Odp: [TCG] 2015 Mega-Tin
« #14 12 Wrzesień, 2015, 12:18:13 »
Hehehehe. Gdzie wasz Qliphort Monolith? ;D

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