Wątek: [OCG] Next V-Jump Promo- December 2018  (Przeczytany 1547 razy)

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[OCG] Next V-Jump Promo- December 2018
« 17 Listopada, 2018, 14:03:24 »
Manga Arc-V zbliża się do końca, więc i najsilniejsi z najsilniejszych powoli wychodzą na karciane światło dzienne :

Efekt wkrótce...

Źródło: Boskoki...rly?
« Ostatnia zmiana: 17 Listopada, 2018, 14:29:48 Flasher »


Odp: [OCG] Next V-Jump Promo- December 2018
« #1 11 Grudnia, 2018, 22:22:06 »
All-Eyes Phantom Dragon
Level 10 LIGHT Dragon [Special Summon] Pendulum Effect Monster
3000 ATK
2500 DEF
Pendulum Scale 0
Pendulum Effect:
(1) Once per turn, if a Dragon Pendulum Monster you control attacks an opponent’s monster, at the end of that Damage Step: You can activate this effect; that monster you control can attack again in a row. You cannot declare attacks the turn you activate this effect, except to have that monster attack.
Monster Effects:
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set.
Must be Special Summoned (from your hand or Extra Deck) while you control 2+ monsters, including a Dragon Pendulum Monster, by Tributing all monsters you control. You cannot Special Summon “God-Eyes Phantom Dragon” more than once per turn this way.
(1) Once per turn, if this card battles an opponent’s monster, during damage calculation: Double this card’s ATK until the end of the turn.
(2) Once per turn, when your opponent activates a Spell, Trap, or Spell/Trap effect (Quick Effect): You can send 1 Spell/Trap you control to the GY; negate that activation.

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