Wątek: [OCG] JUMP spring subscription  (Przeczytany 761 razy)

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[OCG] JUMP spring subscription
« 22 Lutego, 2018, 20:22:43 »
Kolejna książeczka z rulingami, kolejne karty, które są tam promkami. Tym razem powitajmy karty Yuyi oraz Sory!

JUMP spring subscription

VJMP-JP145 Furnimal Angel / Fluffal Angel
Level 2 LIGHT Fairy Pendulum Effect Monster
ATK 600
DEF 1200
Pendulum Scale: 8
Pendulum Effect:
You can only use this card name’s Pendulum Effect once per turn.
(1) You can target 1 “Fluffal” or “Edge Imp” monster in your GY; Special Summon it, also you cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck for the rest of this turn, except Fusion Monsters.
Monster Effect:
You can only use this card name’s monster effect effect once per turn.
(1) You can Tribute this card, then target 1 “Frightfur” Fusion Monster in your GY; discard 1 card, and if you do, Special Summon that target.

VJMP-JP144 Entermate Claybreaker / Performapal Claybreaker
Level 6 EARTH Warrior Effect Monster
ATK 2000
DEF 1000
You can only use this card name’s (1) and (2) effects one per turn each.
(1) During damage calculation, when this Tribute Summoned card battles an opponent’s monster: You can activate this effect; that opponent’s monster loses 500 ATK for each face-up Pendulum Monster in your Extra Deck.
(2) If this card is in your GY, when you Pendulum Summon 2 or more monsters at the same time: You can add this card from the GY to your hand.

Premiera: 23 Luty 2018

Źródło: 2 karty, serwują Sora i Sakaki!
« Ostatnia zmiana: 24 Lutego, 2018, 15:22:16 Razmus »

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