Treaty on Uniform Nomenclature

  Normal / Trap
If you control 2 or more face-up monsters with the same name, except Tokens: Apply this effect, depending on how many you control.
● Exactly 2: Destroy 1 Spell/Trap Card your opponent controls.
● Exactly 3: Destroy all Spell/Trap Cards your opponent controls.
CARD ID: 13685271
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Treaty on Uniform Nomenclature


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Generation Force GENF-EN073 Common-,--€-,--€-,--€

Card Trivia

 This card's name and artwork reference The League of Uniform Nomenclature.
In fact, the same Ojama Yellow and Mokey Mokey from this card are also seen in the artwork of The League of Uniform Nomenclature.
Both cards are Trap Cards that have effects involving 2 or more monsters with the same name.
Double Trap Hole has the same background artwork as this card does.