The Huge Revolution is Over

  Counter / Trap
When a Spell/Trap Card, or monster effect, is activated that would destroy 2 or more cards on the field: Negate the activation, and if you do, banish it. 
CARD ID: 99188141
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: The Huge Revolution is Over


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Machine Reactor Structure Deck SR03-EN038 Common-,--€-,--€-,--€
Order of Chaos ORCS-EN078 Short Print-,--€-,--€-,--€

Card Trivia

 This card's artwork shows the outcome of Huge Revolution, which is eventually followed by the event portrayed in the artwork of Double Payback.
This card can be used to counter Huge Revolution.
The emperor in this card's artwork also appears in the artworks of The Emperor's Holiday, Tyrant's Temper, Tyrant's Tirade, Tyrant's Tantrum, Tyrant's Tummyache, Tyrant's Throes, Double Payback, Asleep at the Switch, Turnabout, Retort and Clear Robe.


OCG Rulings

This card's effect does not target.: The Huge Revolution is Over

When a monster effect is activated that destroys 2 or more cards on the field, or a Spell/Trap Card is activated that destroys 2 or more cards on the field, this effect can be activated directly in Chain. (It cannot be activated in Chain to the activation of a Spell/Trap Card's effect.)

If it destroys 2 or more cards on the field, you can activate "The Huge Revolution is Over" directly in Chain to the activation of a monster effect or Spell/Trap Card that does not target.

It can also be activated during the Damage Step.

"The Huge Revolution is Over" can only be activated directly in Chain to a Spell/Trap Card that would destroy 2 or more cards on the field, or a monster effect that would destroy 2 or more cards on the field. When "Archfiend Eccentrick" is first activated as a Spell Card in the Pendulum Zone, it does not have an effect that would destroy 2 or more cards on the field, so "The Huge Revolution is Over" cannot be activated. When the Pendulum Effect of "Archfiend Eccentrick" is activated, since this is not the activation of a Spell Card, "The Huge Revolution is Over" also cannot be activated.: Can "The Huge Revolution is Over" be activated in Chain to the activation of "Archfiend Eccentrick" in the Pendulum Zone?

Mentions in Other Rulings

Ancient Gear Wyvern: Even if you have already Set a card (such as "Geartown" or "The Huge Revolution is Over"), you can activate the effect of a Normal or Special Summoned "Ancient Gear Wyvern". (After the effect of "Ancient Gear Wyvern" resolves, you cannot Set cards until the end of the turn.): During a turn in which you have already Set a card, can the monster effect of a Normal/Special Summoned "Ancient Gear Wyvern" be activated?