The Fabled Catsith

Beast / Tuner / Effect  LIGHT / 1
If this card is discarded to the GY: Target 1 face-up card on the field; destroy that target.
CARD ID: 56399890
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: The Fabled Catsith


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Duel Terminal 4 DT04-EN017 Duel Terminal Rare Parallel Ra-,--€-,--€-,--€
Hidden Arsenal 4: Trishula's Triumph HA04-EN007 Super Rare-,--€-,--€-,--€

Card Trivia

 This card appears in the artwork of Obedience Schooled.
This card's name is based off of the fairy Cat Sìth, which appears in Scottish mythology.
The imp-like creature in this card's artwork is also featured in that of Fabled Leviathan's.
The green colour of the creature seems to imply an Attribute, in this case WIND.
This creature's name is Heresy as pointed out in Duel Terminal Master Guide


OCG Rulings

The effect of "The Fabled Catsith" which destroys one card is a Trigger Effect.: Effect Monster > The Fabled Catsith

The effect of "The Fabled Catsith" targets one card which is face-up on the field.

The effect of "The Fabled Catsith" will activate even if "The Fabled Catsith" is discarded from the hand in the Damage Step.

If "The Fabled Cerburrel", "Fabled Lurrie", "Fabled Krus", "The Fabled Catsith", or "The Fabled Ganashia" is discarded from the hand to the Graveyard as a cost, then its effect does not miss the timing, and will activate after the current Chain fully resolves.: Can you activate the effect of "The Fabled Cerburrel" if it is discarded from the hand to the Graveyard as an activation cost?

If "The Fabled Catsith" is not in the Graveyard when its effect resolves - for example, if "D.D. Crow" was Chained to the effect - then you can still destroy the card. Also, if "The Fabled Catsith" is in the hand or Deck when its effect resolves, then you can still destroy the card.: If "The Fabled Catsith" is not in the Graveyard when its activated effect is resolving, then do you apply its effect which destroys?

Suppose that "Royal Oppression" is activated when "Dark Armed Dragon" is to be Special Summoned, and then "Raigeki Break" is Chained by discarding "The Fabled Catsith" as a cost, to destroy "Royal Oppression". In this case, the effect of "The Fabled Catsith" activates when "Dark Armed Dragon" is successfully Special Summoned. Moreover, the effect of "The Fabled Catsith" activates when "Dark Armed Dragon" is Special Summoned, so the Ignition Effect of "Dark Armed Dragon" cannot be activated at this time.: If you discard "The Fabled Catsith" in the middle of a Chain, then its effect activates at what time?