Test Tiger

Beast / Effect  EARTH / 3
If you control a face-up "Gladiator Beast" monster, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). You can Tribute this card to target 1 face-up "Gladiator Beast" monster you control; shuffle that target into the Deck, then Special Summon 1 "Gladiator Beast" from your Deck, and treat it as if it was Special Summoned by the effect of a "Gladiator Beast" monster.
CARD ID: 92373006
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Test Tiger


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Gladiator's Assault GLAS-EN082 Ultimate Rare---
Gladiator's Assault GLAS-EN082 Ultra Rare---
Gold Series 2009 GLD2-EN029 Gold Rare---
Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy Years Mega Pack LCGX-EN242 Secret Rare---
Ra Yellow Mega Pack RYMP-EN098 Common---

Card Trivia

 Test Tiger is a counterpart to the card Test Ape.


OCG Rulings

Tributing this card is a cost to activate the effect which Special Summons a "Gladiator Beast" monster from your deck. This effect targets the "Gladiator Beast" monster to be returned to the deck by the effect.: Effect Monster > Test Tiger

If you do not have any "Gladiator Beast" monsters in your deck, you cannot activate "Test Tiger"s effect.: When there are no "Gladiator Beast" monsters left in the deck, can "Test Tiger"s effect be activated?

"Test Tiger" can return "Gladiator Beast Gyzarus" to the Extra Deck, and you will Special Summon another "Gladiator Beast" monster from your Main Deck.: Can a "Gladiator Beast" monster which is also a Fusion Monster be returned to the deck with the effect of "Test Tiger"?

If the "Gladiator Beast" monster targeted by "Test Tiger" is not face-up on the field at resolution (for example, "Book of Moon" or "Ring of Destruction" was chained to the effect), then "Test Tiger" resolves without effect.: When resolving "Test Tiger"s effect, if the targeted monster is not face-up on the field, is the effect applied?

You can Special Summon a "Gladiator Beast" with the same name as the monster which was returned to the deck.: With the effect of "Test Tiger", can a "Gladiator Beast" be Summoned that has the same name as the one which was returned to the Deck?

You can Special Summon the same "Gladiator Beast

Previously Official Rulings

"Test Tiger's" effect targets 1 "
Gladiator Beast" monster you control.

You can Special Summon the same "Gladiator Beast" monster that you returned to your Deck, unless the "Gladiator Beast" monster has an effect preventing you from doing so, like "Gladiator Beast Alexander".

"Test Tiger" cannot target a face-down "Gladiator Beast" monster.

If you target a "Gladiator Beast" Fusion Monster with "Test Tiger's" effect, it is placed into the Extra Deck when "Test Tiger's" effect resolves.