Spear Cretin

Fiend / Effect  DARK / 2
FLIP: When this card is sent to the Graveyard after being flipped, each player selects 1 monster from their Graveyard, and Special Summons it in face-up Attack Position or face-down Defense Position.
CARD ID: 58551308
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Spear Cretin


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Duel Terminal 5a DT05-EN006 Duel Terminal Normal Parallel ---
Magic Ruler MRL-087 Common---
Magic Ruler MRL-E087 Common---
Rise of the Dragon Lords Structure Deck SDRL-EN005 Common---
Spell Ruler SRL-087 Common---
Spell Ruler SRL-EN087 Common---


OCG Rulings

"Spear Cretin" has a Trigger Effect that is activated when it is sent to the Graveyard after being flipped. Even if it is flipped by the effect of "Ceasefire", the effect of "Spear Cretin" is activated when it is sent to the Graveyard.: If "Spear Cretin" is flipped by "Ceasefire", can its effects be activated?

You can activate "Giant Trap Hole" when one monster is Special Summoned to each player's side of the field, such as by "Spear Cretin" or "The Shallow Grave".: When two monsters are Special Summoned to each player's side of the field, can you activate "Giant Trap Hole"?

You cannot activate "Automatic Laser" when a monster with 1000 or more ATK is Special Summoned face-down by an effect like "Spear Cretin".: Can "Automatic Laser" be activated when a monster is Special Summoned face-down?

While the effect of "Koa'ki Meiru Drago" is active, LIGHT and DARK monster cannot be Special Summoned in face-down Defense Position by effects like "The Shallow Grave" or "Spear Cretin

Previously Official Rulings

If you can Special Summon a monster but your opponent cannot, you will still Special Summon. If your opponent can Special Summon a monster and you cannot, your opponent will still Special Summon.

Special Summoning a monster is optional.

Spear Cretin" cannot Special Summon itself from the Graveyard, but it can Special Summon another copy of "Spear Cretin".<: Spear Cretin Question

After "Spear Cretin" is flipped face-up, if it and another monster you control are destroyed by the same effect, you can Special Summon the other destroyed monster.

Mentions in Other Rulings

Big Burn: You can chain "Big Burn" to effects like "Disappear", "The Shallow Grave", or "Spear Cretin".

Blade Knight: If "Blade Knight" destroys "Spear Cretin", "Spear Cretin"s effect is not applied.

Dark Ruler Ha Des: "Dark Ruler Ha Des" cannot be Special Summoned from the Graveyard even if you try to Special Summon it face-down by the effect of "Spear Cretin" or "The Shallow Grave".

Disappear: When a card that selects a card in the Graveyard as a target, such as "Spear Cretin" is activated, you may chain "Disappear" to remove the targeted card from play, and the "Monster Reborn", etc., will resolve without effect. This is because these cards select their target at activation, not resolution.

Horn of Heaven: "Horn of Heaven" cannot be used to negate a Special Summon that results from a Spell, Trap, or effect of an Effect Monster Card. You cannot use "Horn of Heaven" to negate a Special Summon from "Spear Cretin",

Necrovalley: "Necrovalley" WILL negate the effect of: "Spear Cretin"

Skill Drain: If you Flip Summon "Spear Cretin" while "Skill Drain" is active, "Spear Cretin"s effect is negated when it is sent to the Graveyard because it is a Flip Effect and "Skill Drain" negates Flip Effects.

The End of Anubis: If "The End of Anubis" is face-up on the field when a flipped "Spear Cretin" is sent to the Graveyard, then "Spear Cretin's" effect does not activate. But if "The End of Anubis" was merely on the field when "Spear Cretin" was flipped, but is NOT on the field when "Spear Cretin" is sent to the Graveyard, then "Spear Cretin's" effect DOES activate when sent to the Graveyard because "The End of Anubis" is no longer on the field to negate it.

Vanity's Ruler: Effects that would make both players Special Summon, like "The Shallow Grave", cannot be activated while "Vanity's Ruler" is in play. Effects that must activate, like "Spear Cretin", will still activate, but the effect disappears.