Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror

  Continuous / Trap
Negate all DARK monster effects activated on the field or in the GY. 
CARD ID: 99735427
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Astral Pack Seven AP07-EN026 Common---
Duel Terminal 7b DT07-EN098 Duel Terminal Normal Parallel ---
Duelist League 14 participation cards DL14-EN020 Rare---
Gladiator's Assault GLAS-EN070 Common---
Turbo Pack: Booster Two TU02-EN011 Rare---

Card Trivia

 This card has a LIGHT counterpart, Light-Imprisoning Mirror.


OCG Rulings

The ATK-increasing effect of "Honest" is considered to activate in the hand. Thus, if the effect of "Light-Imprisoning Mirror" is active, then the effect of "Honest" will not be negated. If "Necro Gardna" activates its effect by removing itself from play from the Graveyard, then the effect is considered to activate in the Graveyard. Thus, if the effect of "Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror" is active, then the activated effect of "Necro Gardna" will be negated.: If the effects of "Honest" and "Necro Gardna" are activated, then the effect is treated as activating where?

If a Flip Effect activates after "Ehren, Lightsworn Monk" returns the Flip Effect monster to the Deck, then the Flip Effect is treated as activating on the field.: If "Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror" is active and "Ehren, Lightsworn Monk" attacks a Flip Effect monster, then is the Flip Effect negated?
Example: If "Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror" is active, then "Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror" will negate the effect of a DARK Flip Effect monster that is returned to the Deck by the effect of "Ehren, Lightsworn Monk".
Example: If a Flip Effect activates after "Ehren, Lightsworn Monk" returns the Flip Effect monster to the Deck, then "Divine Wrath" may be Chained to the Flip Effect. The Flip Effect will be negated, but the Flip Effect monster will not be destroyed and will remain in the Deck.

Suppose "Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror" and "The Fabled Unicore" are both face-up on the field, and a player Tribute Summons "Caius the Shadow Monarch". If both players have the same number of cards in their hands when resolving the effect of "Caius the Shadow Monarch", then the turn player's effect negates the effect of "Caius the Shadow Monarch". Or, if the same player controls both "Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror" and "The Fabled Unicore", then that player chooses which effect negates the effect of "Caius the Shadow Monarch".: Does "Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror" or "The Fabled Unicore" negate the effect?

If both "Necrovalley" and "Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror" are on the field and "Sangan" is sent from the field to the Graveyard, when the effect of "Sangan" activates, since the effect of "Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror" is being applied, the effect of "Sangan" will be negated in the Graveyard. Also, if you send "Black Dragon's Chick" from the field to the Graveyard to activate its effect, because the effect of "Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror" is being applied, the effect of "Black Dragon's Chick" that was activated on the field will be negated.: When both "Necrovalley" and "Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror" are applying their effects, are the effects of "Sangan" and "Black Dragon's Chick" negated?

Mentions in Other Rulings

Battle Fader: The effect of "Battle Fader" which Special Summons it and the effect which ends the Battle Phase are resolved as the same effect. The effect activates in the hand, so the effects of "Skill Drain" and "Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror" will not negate the effect even though "Battle Fader" is Special Summoned, so the effect which ends the Battle Phase

Previously Official Rulings

When determining if a monster’s effect should be
negated by "Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror", check the monster’s Attribute at the time its effect is resolved.

When a Non-DARK monster’s effect is activated while the monster and "Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror" are both face-up on the field, if you chain "DNA Transplant" and select “DARK”, the monster’s effect will be negated if the monster is still face-up on the field when its effect resolves because it is now a DARK monster.

"Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror" cannot negate the Continuous Effects of DARK monsters.