
Machine / Effect  LIGHT / 1
Once per turn, you can select 1 of your opponent's monsters that is removed from play. Until the End Phase, this card's name is treated as the selected monster's name, and this card has the same Attribute, Level, ATK, and DEF as the selected monster. If this card is removed from the field while this effect is applied, remove it from play.
CARD ID: 75198893
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Scanner


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Crimson Crisis CRMS-EN032 Super Rare-,--€-,--€-,--€

Card Trivia

 This card's Japanese name is a non-standard transliteration of the word Scanner (スキナー, as opposed to スキナー).
This card's artwork bears a resemblance to that of Shreddder.
This card is based on an image scanner.


TCG Rulings

“Scanner” target{{SpanBanish monster, but does not continue to target after the effect resolves.: Crimson Crisis -- Card Rulings (version 2.0)

If “Scanner{{Spanremoved from the field{{Spanremoved from play.

If “Skill Drain” is activated after the effect of “Scanner” resolves, the effect of “Scanner” is still applied, and “Scanner{{Spanremoved from play if it leaves the field.

If the target of “Scanner{{SpanScanner” resolves, then “Scanner” does not copy that monster, and “Scanner{{Spanremoved from play if it leaves the field.

OCG Rulings

This effect targets one of your opponent's Monsters that was banished.: Effect Monster > Scanner

After resolution, the effect does not continue to target the opponent's banished Monster.

If "Return from the Different Dimension" etc is chained to "Scanner" so that the targeted monster is no longer banished when the effect of "Scanner" resolves, then "Scanner" resolves without effect. "Scanner" does not gain the ATK/DEF/Name/etc of the monster, and it is not banished when it leaves the field.: When resolving the effect of "Scanner", if the targeted card is not banished, is the effect applied?