Satellarknight Unukalhai
Warrior / Effect

If this card is Summoned: You can send 1 "tellarknight" card from your Deck to the Graveyard, except "Satellarknight Unukalhai". You can only use this effect of "Satellarknight Unukalhai" once per turn.
CARD ID: 01050186
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
Powered by
TCG Set | Symbol | Rarity | Low | Avg | Trend | |
2015 Mega-Tin Mega Pack | MP15-EN077 | Common | - | - | - | |
Astral Pack Seven | AP07-EN005 | Super Rare | - | - | - | |
Duelist Alliance | DUEA-EN022 | Common | - | - | - |
This monster has a Shaddoll counterpart: Shaddoll Squamata.
This card's name is a reference to the Unukalhai, the brightest star in the constellation of Serpens, with an apparent magnitude of 2.63. This card's relation to Shaddoll Squamata could allude to this fact.
The Serpens Caput portion of the constellation Serpens appears in the artwork of this card, with Unukalhai's location in said constellation denoted by an encircled star.
This monster appears in the artwork of Curse of the Shadow Prison.
This card and Satellarknight Sirius are the only tellarknight monsters to feature shadows in their card artwork. This is most likely reflective of the fact that both monsters have Shaddoll counterparts.
This card's name is a reference to the Unukalhai, the brightest star in the constellation of Serpens, with an apparent magnitude of 2.63. This card's relation to Shaddoll Squamata could allude to this fact.
The Serpens Caput portion of the constellation Serpens appears in the artwork of this card, with Unukalhai's location in said constellation denoted by an encircled star.
This monster appears in the artwork of Curse of the Shadow Prison.
This card and Satellarknight Sirius are the only tellarknight monsters to feature shadows in their card artwork. This is most likely reflective of the fact that both monsters have Shaddoll counterparts.
OCG Rulings
"If this card is Summoned: You can send 1 "tellarknight" card from your Deck to the Graveyard, except "Satellarknight Unukalhai"." effect is an optional Trigger Effect. (This effect does not target. It can be activated during the Damage Step.): Satellarknight Unukalhai