Sargasso Lighthouse

  Quick-Play / Spell
When a Spell effect that would inflict damage to you is activated: You take no damage from that effect. While this card is in your Graveyard, you take no damage from the effect of "Sargasso the D.D. Battlefield". When this Set card is sent to the Graveyard: You can add 1 "Sargasso the D.D. Battlefield" from your Deck to your hand. 
CARD ID: 37511832
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Sargasso Lighthouse


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Judgment of the Light JOTL-EN062 Common-,--€-,--€-,--€

Card Trivia

 This card further alludes that Sargasso may be a reference to the Sargasso Sea.


OCG Rulings

This card cannot be activated during the Damage Step. The effect that is activated when this Set card is sent to the Graveyard can be activated during the Damage Step.: Sargasso Lighthouse

The effect that makes damage inflicted by "Sargasso the D.D. Battlefield" become 0 does not start a Chain Link.