
Dinosaur / Normal  EARTH / 4
''This normally gentle dinosaur enjoys relaxing in its nest in the prairies. If it becomes angered, it turns terribly ferocious.''
CARD ID: 37265642
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Sabersaurus


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Demo Pack DEM1-EN003 Common---
Dinosmasher's Fury Structure Deck SR04-EN004 Common---
Duelist League 16 participation cards DL16-EN001 Rare---
Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega Pack LCJW-EN143 Secret Rare---
Power of the Duelist POTD-EN002 Common---
Starter Deck: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's 2009 5DS2-EN002 Common---
Structure Deck: Dinosaur's Rage SD09-EN003 Common---

Card Trivia

 Jurassic World appears in the background of this card's artwork.
This monster appears in the artworks of Dino Blast and Lost World.
Multiple gentle Sabersauruses appear in the background of this card's artwork.
This monster resembles a Triceratops.
Megazowler is a similar monster.


TCG Rulings

Mentions in Other Rulings

Commander Gottoms, Swordmaster: This includes “Saber Beetle” and “Sabersaurus.”: Hidden Arsenal – Card Rulings (Version 1.0)