Royal Oppression

  Continuous / Trap
Either player can pay 800 Life Points to negate the Special Summon of a monster(s), and/or an effect that Special Summons a monster(s), and destroy those cards. 
CARD ID: 93016201
STATUS TCG: Forbidden
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Royal Oppression


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Champion Pack: Game Eight CP08-EN013 Common---
Dark Beginning 2 DB2-EN200 Rare---
Duel Terminal 4 DT04-EN048 Duel Terminal Normal Parallel ---
Gold Series 4: Pyramids Edition GLD4-EN047 Gold Rare---
Legacy of Darkness LOD-091 Rare---
Legacy of Darkness LOD-EN091 Rare---

Card Trivia

 The people in this card's artwork are drawn in the same style as Exiled Force.
This card is featured in the artworks of Trap Stun and Trap Pause, albeit in the form of a stone tablet in the latter.
Royal Prison is the spiritual successor to this card, as it prevents Special Summons, albeit only from the Graveyard.
This is also supported by its artwork, with the same group of people from this card's artwork being shown imprisoned.


TCG Rulings

Mentions in Other Rulings

Inherited Fortune:" You cannot Chain "Royal Oppression" to "Inherited Fortune."

Inherited Fortune:" You can Chain "Royal Oppression" to the effect to Special Summon monsters.

Starlight Road: You can Chain the effect of “Royal Oppression” to negate and destroy “Starlight Road.”

Trap Eater: If you Summon “Trap Eater” by sending “Royal Oppression” to the Graveyard, the effect of “Royal Oppression” cannot be used in response since it is no longer on the field.

Voltic Bicorn: If the Synchro Summon of "Voltic Bicorn" is negated by "Royal Oppression

Judge Program Forum Rulings

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Battle Fader: The effect of "Battle Fader" is activated during the Battle Step and not the Damage Step, therefore you will be able to activate the effect of "Royal Oppression" to negate the Special Summon of "Battle Fader".
"Battle Fader" has the same timing as cards like "Mirror Force", "Sakuretsu Armor", and "Magic Cylinder". This means you have one opportunity to activate it, the initial chain in direct response to the attack declaration. If you allow the current chain to resolve ("Battle Fader" > "Royal Oppression"), you will not be able to activate a 2nd copy of "Battle Fader".
Unlike the other cards listed above, "Battle Fader" has a Trigger Effect, so you would be unable to activate multiple copies of "Battle Fader" in response to the same attack declaration.: Royal Oppression Vs 2 Battle Faders: Legendary Six Samurai -Shi En vs Mirror Force vs Dim. Prison

OCG Rulings

During the Damage Step, you can neither activate (flip face-up) "Royal Oppression" nor activate the effect of an already-face-up "Royal Oppression".: Can "Royal Oppression" be activated in the Damage Step?: During the Damage Step, can "Royal Oppression" be activated?

Paying 800 Life Points is a cost.: Trap Card > Royal Oppression

When used against the Special Summon of a Special-Summon-Only monster like "The Rock Spirit", "Royal Oppression" activates and negates the Special Summon before the Special Summon is successful.

When used against a Spell/Trap/Monster Card's effect which makes a Chain, "Royal Oppression" activates in chain to the effect.

On Negating Special Summons

If "Royal Oppression" is activated to negate the Special Summon of a monster - like "Dark Armed Dragon" - from the hand, the monster is not considered to be on the field, so "My Body as a Shield" cannot be activated.: When "Royal Oppression" is activated when Special Summoning a monster, can "Royal Oppression" be activated?

You can negate a Synchro Summon with "Horn of Heaven", "Solemn Judgment", "Thunder King Rai-Oh", "Royal Oppression", etc. You activate "Horn of Heaven" etc before the Summon is successful, but after the Synchro Material Monsters are sent to the Graveyard. The Synchro Material Monsters remain sent to the Graveyard, and the Synchro Summon is not considered successful.: Can the effects of cards negate Synchro Summons?

When your opponent is Special Summoning a monster like "Chaos Sorcerer" or "Cyber Dragon" through its condition, you cannot activate a set "Royal Oppression" without also activating its effect.: If Special Summoning "Cyber Dragon" (etc.), then can you only activate the card "Royal Oppression"?

On Not Negating Activations

Parallel World Fusion: If the activation of "Parallel World Fusion" is negated - for example, by "Solemn Judgment" - then you can Special Summon during the same turn. However, if only the effect of "Parallel World Fusion" is negated - for example, by "Royal Oppression" - then you cannot Special Summon during the same turn, since it is still the same turn in which you activated "Parallel World Fusion".: Can you Special Summon during the same turn in which "Parallel World Fusion" was negated by an effect like "Solemn Judgment" or "Royal Oppression"?

Versus Cards which Do More than Summon

Battle Fader: The effect of "Battle Fader" which Special Summons it and the effect which ends the Battle Phase are resolved as the same effect. If the effect is negated by "Royal Oppression", then you also do not end the Battle Phase.: Can you end the Battle Phase even if "Battle Fader" cannot be Special Summoned?

Versus Effects that Do Not Summon

For the effect of "Dark Armed Dragon" which destroys a card and the effect of "Judgment Dragon" which sends cards from the Deck to the Graveyard, these effects cannot Special Summon a monster at resolution, so "Royal Oppression" cannot be chained to these effects.: Can the effect of "Royal Oppression" be chained to the effect of a Special Summon Monster?

For the effects of "Tragoedia" which give you control of an opponent's monster and which changes its Level, and the effect of "Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind" which halves the ATK and DEF of an opponent's monster, these effects cannot Special Summon a monster at resolution, so the effect of "Royal Oppression" cannot be chained to these effects. Also, "Royal Oppression" cannot negate the effect of "Tragoedia" which Special Summons it because the effect activates during the Damage Step.: Can "Royal Oppression" be chained to the effects of "Tragoedia" and "Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind"?

When the effect of "Stardust Dragon" which negates the activation of the effect of a Spell Card/Trap Card/Effect Monster Card is activated, the effect of "Royal Oppression" cannot be activated. To negate the effect of "Stardust Dragon" which Special Summons itself, you must activate the effect of "Royal Oppression" in Chain to that effect of "Stardust Dragon" during the End Phase.: Can "Royal Oppression" negate the different effects of "Stardust Dragon"?

When the effect of "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai" which adds a "Six Samurai" monster from your Graveyard to your hand is activated, the effect of "Royal Oppression" cannot be chained because the effect of "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai" does not Special Summon a monster.: Can the effect of "Royal Oppression" be activated in chain to the effect of "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai" which adds a monster from your Graveyard to your hand?

When "Geartown" or "Morphtronic Map" is activated from the hand, the effect of "Royal Oppression" cannot be activated.: When "Geartown" is activated from the hand, can "Royal Oppression" be activated in Chain?

The effect of "Royal Oppression" can be activated neither when "Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins" is first activated nor when the "3+:" and "4+:" effects are activated. However, "Royal Oppression" can be activated in Chain to the "5+:" effect which Special Summons a monster being treated as a Continuous Spell Card. The "1+:" effect of "Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins" will prevent it from being destroyed, but the effect which Special Summons a "Crystal Beast" monster will be negated.: Can "Royal Oppression" negate the different effects of "Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins" and destroy it?

The effect of "Royal Oppression" cannot be activated when "Black Garden" is activated from the hand. However, when either effect of "Black Garden" is activated, "Royal Oppression" can be chained to negate the effect of and destroy "Black Garden".: Can the effect of "Black Garden" be negated by the effect of "Royal Oppression"?

Versus Uncertain Effects

Crystal Abundance: You can chain "Royal Oppression" to "Crystal Abundance", even if "Crystal Abundance" cannot Special Summon anything.: Can "Royal Oppression" be chained to "Crystal Abundance"?

Macro Cosmos: The effect of "Royal Oppression" can negate the activation of "Macro Cosmos" and destroy it, even though it is not known whether or not "Macro Cosmos" will Special Summon a "Helios - The Primordial Sun".: Can "Royal Oppression" be activated in Chain to "Macro Cosmos" to negate and destroy it?

Morphtronic Celfon: When the "Attack Position:" effect of "Morphtronic Celfon" is activated, "Royal Oppression" can be chained to negate the effect of and destroy "Morphtronic Celfon". However, the "Defence Position:" effect of "Morphtronic Celfon" cannot Special Summon a monster, so "Royal Oppression" cannot be activated.: Can "Royal Oppression" negate the different effects of "Morphtronic Celfon" and destroy it?

Starlight Road: "Royal Oppression" may negate the effect of "Starlight Road", even though it is unknown at activation whether or not "Starlight Road" will Special Summon "Stardust Dragon". "Royal Oppression" may negate the effect of "Starlight Road" even if "Stardust Dragon" may not be Special Summoned, such as if "Vanity's Fiend" is on the field or if there is no "Stardust Dragon" in the Extra Deck.: Can "Royal Oppression" be Chained to "Starlight Road"?

Versus Specific Cards

Call of the Mummy: "Royal Oppression" cannot be Chained to "Call of the Mummy" or "Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen" when it is activated from the hand. However, if "Call of the Mummy" or "Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen" is already face-up on the field and its effect is activated, then "Royal Oppression" may be Chained to negate the effect and destroy it.: Can "Royal Oppression" negate the activation of and destroy "Call of the Mummy" and "Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen"?

Formula Synchron: When Synchro Summoning through the effect of "Formula Synchron", "Royal Oppression" can be activated when performing the Synchro Summon, after the Synchro Material Monsters are sent to the Graveyard. In addition, you can also Chain the effect of "Royal Oppression" to the effect of "Formula Synchron" to negate the effect which Synchro Summons.: At what time do you activate "Royal Oppression" to negate the Synchro Summon of "Formula Synchron"?

Future Fusion: The effect of "Royal Oppression" can negate the "Future Fusion" when "Future Fusion" is first activated. However, during the second Standby Phase when the Fusion Monster is Special Summoned, you cannot activate the effect of "Royal Oppression".: Can the effect of "Royal Oppression" be activated in Chain to the activation of "Future Fusion"?

Gladiator Beast: If the effect of a monster like "Gladiator Beast Alexander" is activated by returning it to the Deck, then the effect of "Royal Oppression" may be activated in Chain to the effect. If you do so, then the effect of "Gladiator Beast Alexander" will be negated, but the "Gladiator Beast Alexander" which was returned to the Deck to activate the effect will not be destroyed. Also, when the "Gladiator Beast" monster is Special Summoned by the resolution of the effect of "Gladiator Beast Alexander" you cannot interrupt the resolution by activating "Royal Oppression" at this time.: When the Special Summoning effect of a "Gladiator Beast" monster activates at the end of the Battle Phase, at what time do you activate "Royal Oppression" to negate it?

Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World: Returning one "Dark World" monster to the hand to Special Summon "Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World" from the Graveyard is a Summoning procedure. It is neither a cost nor part of an effect's resolution. If the Special Summon is negated by "Royal Oppression" or "Solemn Warning", then the returned "Dark World" monster remains in the hand.: Is returning a card to the hand when Special Summoning "Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World" a cost?

Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World: If your "Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World" is discarded by your opponent's card effect, then "Solemn Warning" or "Royal Oppression" can be Chained to the effect. However, if your "Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World" is discarded by your own effect, then neither "Solemn Warning" nor "Royal Oppression" may be Chained.: Can you Chain "Royal Oppression" or "Solemn Warning" to the effect of "Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World"?

Infernity Launcher: When "Infernity Launcher" is activated from the hand, you cannot Chain the effect of "Royal Oppression" to negate the effect and destroy it. When a face-up "Infernity Launcher" is sent to the Graveyard to activate its effect, you can Chain the effect of "Royal Oppression" to negate the effect and destroy it.: When "Infernity Launcher" is activated, can you negate the effect with "Royal Oppression"?

Snoww, Unlight of Dark World: If this card is discarded by your own card effect, then you have not activated an effect which Special Summons a monster, so "Royal Oppression" cannot be Chained to the effect. If this card is discarded by an opponent's card effect. then when the effect activates, you choose whether or not to apply the effect which Special Summons a monster. Thus, "Royal Oppression" can be Chained only if at activation you choose to apply the effect which Special Summons a monster.: Can "Royal Oppression" be activated if "Snoww, Unlight of Dark World" is discarded by you or by the opponent?

Trap Eater: When "Trap Eater" is Special Summoned by sending "Royal Oppression" to the Graveyard, "Royal Oppression" is already sent to the Graveyard, so you cannot activate its effect to negate the Special Summon of "Trap Eater" and destroy it.: Can the effect of "Royal Oppression" be activated when it is sent to the Graveyard to Special Summon "Trap Eater"?

Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen: "See above; listed under "Call of the Mummy"."

Water Hazard: If you activate "Water Hazard" from your hand and choose to activate its effect to Special Summon a monster at the same time, then the effect of "Royal Oppression" can be chained to negate the activation of and destroy "Water Hazard". However, if you activate "Water Hazard" from your hand and do not activate its effect at the same time, then "Royal Oppression" cannot be chained.: Can the activation of "Water-Hazard" be negated by the effect of "Royal Oppression"?


Dark World: If "Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World" (etc.) is discarded by a card effect, then you can activate "Royal Oppression" in Chain to the effect which Special Summons "Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World" in order to negate the effect.: Can you Chain "Royal Oppression" to the effect of "Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World" (etc.) which Special Summons it?

Dark World: Suppose that you discard "Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World" and "Broww, Huntsman of Dark World" simultaneously, and have their effects activate with "Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World" as Chain Links 1 and "Broww, Huntsman of Dark World" as Chain Link 2. Here, you cannot activate "Royal Oppression" as Chain Link 3.

Dark World: Suppose that you discard "Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World" and "Sillva, Warlord of Dark World" simultaneously, and have their effects activate as Chain Links 1 and 2. If "Royal Oppression" is activated as Chain Link 3, then it will only negate the effect on Chain Link 2. It cannot negate the effect on Chain Link 1. Furthermore, you cannot interrupt the Chain by activating "Royal Oppression" in between Chain Link 1 and 2.: If you discard multiple "Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World" (etc.) simultaneously, then can you negate all the Summons with the effect of "Royal Oppression"?

Endless Decay: If during "Endless Decay"s Special Summon the Life Points become 2001 or more, "Endless Decay" is still Special Summoned.
Example: If during "Endless Decay"s Special Summon the effect of "Royal Oppression" is activated and "Gift Card" is chained to increase the Life Points of the player that Special Summons "Endless Decay" to 2001 or more, "Endless Decay" is still Special Summoned.: If during "Endless Decay" Special Summon the Life Points become 2001 or more, is "Endless Decay" still Special Summoned?

Herald of Perfection: You can only use the the effect of "Herald of Perfection" to negate the activation of the effect of an Effect Monster, or to negate the "activation of a card" (a Spell or Trap Card). You cannot use "Herald of Perfection" to negate the "activation of an effect" of a Spell or Trap Card. Thus, you cannot use the effect of "Herald of Perfection" to negate the activation of the effect of an already-face-up "Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen" or "Royal Oppression".: Can the effect of "Herald of Perfection" be Chained to the activation of the effect of a Continuous Spell or Trap Card?

Lightning Tricorn: If an effect like "Solemn Warning" or "Royal Oppression" negates the the Synchro Summon of "Voltic Bicorn" or "Lightning Tricorn" or "Scrap Dragon" and destroys it, then you can activate the monster's effect.: If the Synchro Summon of a monster like "Voltic Bicorn" is negated by "Royal Oppression", then can you activate its effect?

Parallel World Fusion: If the Special Summon of a monster like "Cyber Dragon" is negated - such as by "Solemn Judgment" or "Royal Oppression" - then you still cannot activate "Parallel World Fusion" during the same turn.

Scrap Dragon: "See above; listed under "Lightning Tricorn"."

Stardust Dragon: If "Royal Oppression" is Chained to "Monster Reborn", then you can then Chain the effect of "Stardust Dragon". During the End Phase, you can Special Summon "Stardust Dragon" from the Graveyard.: Can the effect of "Stardust Dragon" be Chained to the effect of "Royal Oppression"?

The Fabled Catsith: Suppose that "Royal Oppression" is activated when "Dark Armed Dragon" is to be Special Summoned, and then "Raigeki Break" is Chained by discarding "The Fabled Catsith" as a cost, to destroy "Royal Oppression". In this case, the effect of "The Fabled Catsith" activates when "Dark Armed Dragon" is successfully Special Summoned. Moreover, the effect of "The Fabled Catsith" activates when "Dark Armed Dragon" is Special Summoned, so the Ignition Effect of "Dark Armed Dragon" cannot be activated at this time.: If you discard "The Fabled Catsith" in the middle of a Chain, then its effect activates at what time?

Voltic Bicorn: "See above; listed under "Lightning Tricorn

Previously Official Rulings

There are basically 2 ways to
Special Summon a monster. The first way is with a Spell Card like "Monster Reborn", a Trap Card like "Call of the Haunted", or an Effect Monster like "Magical Scientist". The second way is built in to the monster, and Special Summons it without activating an effect, such as "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning" or "Dark Necrofear". "Royal Oppression" can negate both of these types of Special Summon. In the first case, you chain the activation of "Royal Oppression"s effect to the activation of the Spell, Trap, or Monster Card's effect, and negate the effect. In the second case, right before the monster is Special Summoned, you can activate the effect of "Royal Oppression" to negate the Special Summon (the same procedure that you use for "Horn of Heaven" or "Solemn Judgment").
Example 1: If "Marauding Captain" is Normal Summoned, its effect activates. You can chain to this effect by activating the effect of "Royal Oppression". The effect of "Marauding Captain" is negated, no monster is Special Summoned, and the "Marauding Captain" is destroyed. (The monster your opponent intended to Special Summon with the effect of "Marauding Captain" remains in his hand.)
Example 2: If "Cyber Jar" is Flip Summoned and its Flip Effect activates, you can activate the effect of "Royal Oppression" in a chain to the Flip Effect. The effect of "Cyber Jar" is negated, no monsters on the field are destroyed by its effect, no cards are picked up, no monsters are Special Summoned, and "Cyber Jar" is destroyed by the effect of "Royal Oppression".
Example 3: If "Call of the Haunted" is activated, you can activate the effect of "Royal Oppression" in a chain. The effect of "Call of the Haunted" is negated, and a monster is not Special Summoned.

The effects of face-up Trap Cards cannot be activated during the Damage Step, so this card's effect cannot negate the Special Summoning of a monster by the effect of "Mystic Tomato" or a "Cyber Jar" flipped face-up by an attack.

You can activate the effect of "Royal Oppression" as a chain to "Monster Gate". No cards will be picked up, and no monster will be Special Summoned (The opponent still must have Tributed a monster as a cost).

You can activate the effect of "Royal Oppression" to negate an effect that Summons 1 monster, or Summons multiple monsters (like "Cyber Jar", "The Shallow Grave", or "Valkyrion the Magna Warrior").

When "Monster Reborn" is activated to Special Summon "Jinzo", you can activate the effect of "Royal Oppression" in a chain to negate the Special Summon because "Jinzo" is not on the field until the chain resolves.

When "Insect Queen" destroys your opponent's monster, an "Insect Monster Token" is Special Summoned during the End Phase, and the effect of "Royal Oppression" can be activated at that time to negate the Special Summon and destroy "Insect Queen".

When "Jam Breeding Machine" activates its effect to Special Summon a "Slime Token" in the Standby Phase, and the effect of "Royal Oppression" can be activated at that time to negate the Special Summon and destroy "Jam Breeding Machine".

If the effect of "Royal Oppression" is activated, and "Mystical Space Typhoon" or "Dust Tornado" is chained to destroy "Royal Oppression", then the effect of "Royal Oppression" disappears because it is a Continuous Trap Card, and the Special Summon will not be negated.

Mentions in Other Rulings

Amplifier"Jinzo with Amplifier", your Trap Cards are not negated and their effects are applied, including "Royal Oppression"

Ancient Gear Beast / Ancient Gear Golem: If “Ancient Gear Beast”/“Ancient Gear Golem” attacks, the effects of Spell or Trap Cards that are already face-up can still have their effects activated, like “Ultimate Offering”, “Royal Oppression” However, face-down Spell or Trap Cards cannot be activated (flipped face-up), including a face-down “Ultimate Offering”, etc.

Black Garden:" When either of “Black Garden’s” effects is activated, "Royal Oppression's" effect can be chained.

Conscription:" You can use "Royal Oppression" to negate the Special Summon of "Conscription".

Crystal Abundance: You can chain the effect of "Royal Oppression" to this card to negate the Special Summons.

Cyber Dragon:" You can negate the Special Summon of "Cyber Dragon" with "Royal Oppression"

Destiny HERO - Dreadmaster: If "Royal Oppression" is face-up on the field you can activate"Destiny Hero - Dreadmaster" when he is Special Summoned by the effect of "Clock Tower Prison". If your "Royal Oppression" is face-down when "Clock Tower Prison" is destroyed, you can chain its activation (flipping it face-up) to the effect of "Clock Tower Prison". "Royal Oppression"Destiny Hero - Dreadmaster" is Special Summoned, and then you can activate its the effect of "Royal Oppression"Destiny Hero - Dreadmaster" is Special Summoned in order to negate the Special Summon.

Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World:" If the Special Summon of "Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World" is negated with "Royal Oppression", the second part of his effect does not resolve.

Grandmaster of the Six Samurai: If you Special Summon "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai" and your opponent negates the Special Summon and destroys it with their "Royal Oppression", "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai's" effect activates. If your opponent uses the effect of your "Royal Oppression" to negate the Special Summon, "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai's" effect does not activate.

Hand of Nephthys:" You can chain to the activation of "Hand of Nephthys" effect with the effect of "Royal Oppression" to negate the Special Summon of "Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys".

Insect Queen:" If you want to use "Royal Oppression" to negate the Special Summon of an Insect Monster Token, you chain it to the activation of "Insect Queen"s effect during the End Phase.

Monster Gate:" Your opponent can chain "Royal Oppression"s effect to negate "Monster Gate"s effect.

Morphtronic Celfon: "Royal Oppression" can be chained to the Attack Position effect of "Morphtronic Celfon".

Prime Material Dragon: If "Royal Oppression's" effect is activated to negate the Special Summon of a monster, like "Cyber Dragon" or "Gladiator Beast Gyzarus", "Prime Material Dragon's" effect cannot be chained because the monster being Special Summoned is not considered to be "on the field" until its Summon is successful.

Scapegoat:" If the effect of "Royal Oppression" is chained to your "Scapegoat" your Sheep Tokens will not be Special Summoned and you still cannot perform any Summons that turn.

Sillva, Warlord of Dark World:" If the Special Summon of "Sillva, Warlord of Dark World" is negated with "Royal Oppression", the second part of his effect does not resolve.

Stardust Dragon: If "Royal Oppression's" effect is activated to negate the Special Summon of a monster, like "Cyber Dragon" or "Gladiator Beast Gyzarus", "Stardust Dragon's" effect cannot be chained because the monster being Special Summoned is not considered to be "on the field" until its Summon is successful.

Trap Monster: You can negate the activation of “Embodiment of Apophis” by chaining “Royal Oppression”, but you cannot use these against it once it is a monster.

Vampire Lord:" When you Special Summon "Vampire Lord" with his effect, your opponent can negate the Special Summon with "Royal Oppression". Since the effect of "Vampire Lord" activates in the Graveyard, "Vampire Lord" is never moved from the Graveyard, so it is never destroyed. (A card already in the Graveyard cannot be destroyed). Because it is not destroyed, its effect to Special Summon itself does not activate again.

Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord:" "Royal Oppression" can be used to negate both "Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord's" effect to Special Summon itself, and its effect to Special Summon a monster from your Graveyard. In both cases, "Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord" will be destroyed.

Voltanis the Adjudicator:" "Royal Oppression" can be used to negate “Voltanis the Adjudicator's” effect to Special Summon itself.

Wild Fire:" You can activate "Royal Oppression" in a chain to "Wild Fire".

Out of Date

If you have "Royal Oppression" face-up on your side of the field, and your opponent attempts to Special Summon "Dark Necrofear", and you activate the effect of your "Royal Oppression", then "Dark Necrofear" will activate its effect in the Graveyard and return to the field as an Equip Spell Card. But if your opponent had "Royal Oppression" face-up on his side of the field, and you activate the effect of your opponent’s "Royal Oppression" to negate the Special Summon of your opponent’s "Dark Necrofear", then "Dark Necrofear" does not activate its effect in the Graveyard, because it was destroyed by an effect controlled by its owner, not by its owner’s opponent (even though the owner did not activate the effect, he still controls the "Royal Oppression" card).The latest print of "Dark Necrofear" has Problem-Solving Card Text that states that it can only activate its effect if it is destroyed as a Monster Card under its owner's control. Monsters about to be Summoned are not considered to be on the field, so the effect of "Dark Necrofear" will not activate if its Summon is negated.

Mentions in Other Rulings

Future Fusion:" You can chain the effect of a face-up "Royal Oppression" to negate "Future Fusion" when the card is activated (placed face-up on the field).The latest print of "Future Fusion" has Problem-Solving Card Text that indicates that it has no effect that activates when the card is activated, so "Royal Oppression" cannot be activated in chain. This difference is due to a major change in the functionality of "Future Fusion".