Return from the Different Dimension

  Normal / Trap
Pay half your Life Points. Special Summon as many of your removed from play monsters as possible. During the End Phase, remove from play all monsters that were Special Summoned by this effect. 
CARD ID: 27174286
STATUS TCG: Forbidden
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Return from the Different Dimension


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Champion Pack: Game Four CP04-EN009 Rare---
Duelist Pack: Kaiba DPKB-EN038 Super Rare---
Exclusive Pack EP1-EN008 Common---
Lost Sanctuary Structure Deck SDLS-EN034 Common---
The Dark Emperor Structure Deck SDDE-EN030 Common---

Card Trivia

 D.D. Warrior Lady, Archfiend Marmot of Nefariousness, D.D. Warrior, Orca Mega-Fortress of Darkness and Manticore of Darkness appear in this card's artwork.
This card's artwork is parodied by Weed Out and Premature Return. Also, its artwork is similar to that of Pendulum Hole.


OCG Rulings

"Return from the Different Dimension" can be activated while "Imperial Iron Wall" is active, and the monsters Special Summoned in this way stay on the field, instead of being removed from play again or sent to the Graveyard during the End Phase.: When "Imperial Iron Wall" is active, can "Return from the Different Dimension" be activated?

If "Return from the Different Dimension" etc is chained to "Scanner" so that the targeted monster is no longer removed from play when the effect of "Scanner" resolves, then "Scanner" resolves without effect. "Scanner" does not gain the ATK/DEF/Name/etc of the monster, and it is not removed from play when it leaves the field.: When resolving the effect of "Scanner", if the targeted card is not removed from play, is the effect applied?

If the effect of "Junk Collector" is activated by removing from play a Trap Card like "Return from the Different Dimension" which has a cost, then you do not pay the removed card's cost.: If "Junk Collector" removes from play a Trap Card with an "activation cost", then do you pay the cost?

You cannot Special Summon a Synchro Monster if it was not properly Synchro Summoned previously, such as if it was removed from play directly from the Extra Deck. Thus, you cannot use an effect like "D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation" or "Return from the Different Dimension" to Special Summon a "Stardust Dragon" which was removed from play to Special Summon "Malefic Stardust Dragon". Also, "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" and "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" are Normal Summon monsters, so they may be Special Summoned even if they are removed from play directly from the Deck.: Can "D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation" Special Summon a "Stardust Dragon" which was removed from play to Summon "Malefic Stardust Dragon"?

Even if the effect of "Infestation Pandemic" is applied on monsters Special Summoned by the effect of "Return from the Different Dimension", they are still banished during the End Phase.: If "Infestation Pandemic" is applied on monsters Special Summoned by "Return from the Different Dimension", are those monsters banished during the End Phase?

Mentions in Other Rulings

De-Synchro: Suppose that a Synchro Monster is banished by "Interdimensional Matter Transporter" and then Special Summoned by "Return from the Different Dimension". If it is targeted by "De-Synchro", then you cannot Special Summon the Synchro Material Monsters from the Graveyard.: Can "De-Synchro" target a Synchro Monster that was banished and then returned?

Shining Elf: You can activate the effect of "Shining Elf" when multiple monsters are Special Summoned simultaneously, such as by "Return from the Different Dimension

Previously Official Rulings

If a
monster Special Summoned by this card is flipped face-down before the End Phase, it will not be removed from play during the End Phase. This includes using a monster's effect to flip itself face-down, such as "Guardian Sphinx".

If "Jinzo" is Special Summoned with this card, it will still be removed from play during the End Phase because "Return from the Different Dimension" is sent to the Graveyard once its effect is resolved, so "Jinzo" cannot negate its effect.

If "Strike Ninja" is Special Summoned with this card, you can activate its effect and remove it from play again. Then during the End Phase, "Strike Ninja" will return to play by its own effect, and will remain in play, since the effect of "Return from the Different Dimension" on "Strike Ninja" was reset when "Strike Ninja" left play.

You can attack with a monster, remove it from play with a card effect like "Interdimensional Matter Transporter", then Special Summon that monster with "Return from the Different Dimension" and attack again during the same Battle Phase.

If "D.D. Survivor" or "D.D. Scout Plane" is Special Summoned by "Return from the Different Dimension", when it is removed from play during the End Phase it will be Special Summoned back to the field during the same End Phase.

If "Elemental Hero Wildheart" or "Tenkabito Shien" is Special Summoned by this card's effect they will not be removed from play during the End Phase.

Mentions in Other Rulings

Allure Queen LV5: If “Allure Queen LV5” is Special Summoned by the effect of “Allure Queen LV3”, and is then permanently removed from play with “D.D. Warrior”, if it is later Special Summoned by an effect like “Return from the Different Dimension”, it is no longer treated as being Special Summoned by “Allure Queen LV3”. So it cannot use its first effect anymore.

Dark Ruler Ha Des: "Dark Ruler Ha Des" may be Special Summoned by"Return from the Different Dimension" if it was removed from play.

Elemental HERO Wildheart"Elemental Hero Wildheart" with "Return from the Different Dimensionremoved from play during the End Phase.

Imperial Iron Wall: "Return from the Different Dimension" and "Emergency Teleport" can still be activated while "Imperial Iron Wall" is active. If "Imperial Iron Wall" is active in the End Phase, the Special Summoned monster(s) is not removed from play.