Reptilianne Viper

Reptile / Tuner  DARK / 2
When this card is Normal Summoned, you can select and take control of 1 face-up monster with 0 ATK your opponent controls.
CARD ID: 42303365
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Reptilianne Viper


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Stardust Overdrive SOVR-EN023 Common-,--€-,--€-,--€

Card Trivia

 This card, along with “Reptilianne Gardna” and “Reptilianne Servant”, are the only Reptilianne monsters to not be based on a mythological figure.
An argument could be made though for this card being inspired by the Naga of Indian mythology, just like “Reptilianne Naga”.
Despite the name, this monster resembles a king cobra rather than a viper.
This card's effect is a unique twist to the effect of Junk Synchron, Black Salvo, Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North and the like. This card is the only Tuner monster that allows you to gain control of an opponent's monster (although it has to have 0 ATK)
This card appears in the artwork of Tuning Barrier.


TCG Rulings

This effect targets 1 face-up monster with 0 ATK your opponent controls.: Stardust Overdrive Sneak Peek -- Card Rulings (Version 1.0)

You keep control of the monster taken by this effect even if it is flipped face-down or its ATKturned flipped face-down by an effect Chained to the effect of "Reptilianne Viper", you do not gain control of that monster.

OCG Rulings

The effect of "Reptilianne Viper" targets one face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field with 0 ATK.: Effect Monster > Reptilianne Viper

If you gain control of a monster via the effect of "Reptilianne Viper", then you retain control of the monster, even if its ATK is no longer 0 or if the monster is flipped face-down by an effect like "Book of Moon".: If a monster whose control you gained via the effect of "Reptilianne Viper" no longer has 0 ATK or is flipped face-down, then does control of it return to the opponent?
