Performapal Trump Witch

Spellcaster / Pendulum / Effect  DARK / 1 / 4
Pendulum Effect: Once per turn: You can Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters you control as Fusion Materials.
Monster Effect: You can Tribute this card; add 1 "Polymerization" from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand.

CARD ID: 91584698
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
Powered by
YuGiOh! TCG karta: Performapal Trump Witch


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
2015 Mega-Tin Mega Pack MP15-EN196 Rare-,--€-,--€-,--€
Fusion Enforcers FUEN-EN048 Super Rare-,--€-,--€-,--€
Master of Pendulum Structure Deck SDMP-EN012 Common-,--€-,--€-,--€
Secrets of Eternity SECE-EN006 Rare-,--€-,--€-,--€
Star Pack ARC-V SP15-EN027 Common-,--€-,--€-,--€
Star Pack ARC-V SP15-EN027 Shatterfoil Rare-,--€-,--€-,--€

Card Trivia

 This card was drawn by a nine year-old girl named Mizuki Imai ( Imai Mizuki) for the Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Start Commemoration! Monster Design Contest (遊☆☆王ARC-Vスタート記念!モンスターデザインコンテスト).
The effect she gave in her drawing is You can pay 1000 LP; this card can attack all monsters your opponent controls with the same Attribute as this card once each. (ライフを1000はらうかわり、このモンスターと同じぞくせいのモンスター全いんにこうげきできる。)
This card's name has a double-meaning: トランプ Toranpu can be translated both as trump and tramp, both which fit this monster's artwork.
This is the first Performapal monster that has a human-like appearance.
This monster appears in the artwork of Performance Turn and Performapal Pendulum Art & Clean.
In the Korean dub anime, this card's name was EM 트럼프 마녀 (Enteomeiteu Teuleompeu Manyeo) instead of EM 트럼프 위치 (Enteomeiteu Teuleompeu Wichi) which still translated to Entermate Trump Witch.