PSY-Frame Overload

  Continuous / Trap
Once per turn: You can banish 1 "PSY-Frame" monster from your hand or face-up from your side of the field, then target 1 card on the field; banish it face-down. During either player's turn, except the turn this card was sent to the Graveyard: You can banish this card from your Graveyard; add 1 "PSY-Frame" card from your Deck to your hand, except "PSY-Frame Overload". 
CARD ID: 36970611
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: PSY-Frame Overload


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
High-Speed Riders HSRD-EN037 Rare---

Card Trivia

 PSY-Framelord Omega appears in this card's artwork.


OCG Rulings

The activation of only the card "PSY-Frame Overload" can be performed at any time, except during the Damage Step.: PSY-Frame Overload

The effect "Once per turn: You can banish 1 "PSY-Frame" monster from your hand or face-up from your side of the field, then target 1 card on the field; banish it face-down." starts a Chain Link. (This effect targets 1 card on the field. Banishing 1 "PSY-Frame" monster from your hand or face-up from your side of the field is a cost to activate this effect. It cannot be activated during the Damage Step.)

When "PSY-Frame Overload" is activated, the effect "banish it face-down." can be activated in the same Chain Link.

The effect "During either player's turn, except the turn this card was sent to the Graveyard: You can banish this card from your Graveyard; add 1 "PSY-Frame" card from your Deck to your hand, except "PSY-Frame Overload"." activates from the Graveyard and starts a Chain Link. (This effect does not target. Banishing "PSY-Frame Overload" from your Graveyard is a cost to activate this effect. It cannot be activated during the Damage Step.)