Obnoxious Celtic Guard

Warrior / Effect  EARTH / 4
Cannot be destroyed by battle with a monster that has 1900 or more ATK.
CARD ID: 52077741
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Obnoxious Celtic Guard


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Collectible Tins 2004 CT1-EN006 Secret Rare---
Dark Beginning 2 DB2-EN112 Ultra Rare---
Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega Pack LCYW-EN036 Common---
Retro Pack 2 RP02-EN086 Rare---
Structure Deck: Warrior's Triumph SD5-EN007 Common---
Structure Deck: Yugi Muto SDMY-EN018 Common---

Card Trivia

 This monster is one of the cover cards for Dark Beginning 2.
This monster is one of two retrained counterparts of Celtic Guardian, the other being Celtic Guard of Noble Arms.
The only reason it is not named Obnoxious Celtic Guardian" is to avoid further confusion with other Guardian monsters (rather than list another monster for Arsenal Summoner to exclude).
Obnoxious in this card's name may refer to its ability to survive attacks from powerful monsters.
This card appears in the artwork of
Brave Attack.
Some French version of this card were misprinted
Guardien Celtique Recyclé instead of Gardien Celtique Recyclé, due to the fact that the English equivalent of Gardien is Guard or Guardian.
This card's artwork is taken from , specifically from the panel showing
Celtic Guardian" and Dark Yugi together (directly after the panel where Seto Kaiba is shown prompting Dark Yugi to attack him).


Previously Official Rulings

Obnoxious Celtic Guard" and "Celtic Guardian" are considered 2 separate monsters so you can have 3 of each in your Deck.

"Obnoxious Celtic Guard"’s effect looks at the ATK during Damage Calculation. So if he’s WIND and is attacked by "Insect Soldiers of the Sky", their ATK is 2000 during Damage Calculation and "Obnoxious Celtic Guard" is not destroyed. Or if an 1800 monster attacks and you use "Rush Recklessly" to increase the ATK to 2500 during the Damage Step, "Obnoxious Celtic Guardian" is not destroyed.

"Obnoxious Celtic Guard"’s effect looks at current ATK, not original ATK. So a monster with 1000 original ATK equipped with "Megamorph" to make it 2000 ATK will not destroy "Obnoxious Celtic Guard" as a result of battle.

"Obnoxious Celtic Guard" isn’t destroyed by damage calculation but can be destroyed by monster effects like "Ryu Kokki".

If "Obnoxious Celtic Guard" is attacked by "Dark Ruler Ha Des", or another monster that negates a card’s effect after it destroys it, "Obnoxious Celtic Guard" is not destroyed (so its effect is not negated).

"Obnoxious Celtic Guard"’s effect works for a battle caused by "Last Turn", so if it battles a monster with ATK 1900 or higher, neither is destroyed and the Duel is a draw.

Mentions in Other Rulings

Last Turn:" If "Obnoxious Celtic Guard" battles a monster for "Last Turn", its effect is applied and it is not destroyed if it battles a monster with 1900 or higher ATK.