Number 39: Utopia Roots

Warrior / Xyz / Effect  LIGHT / 1
2 Level 1 monsters
When any player's monster declares an attack: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; negate the attack, and if you negated an Xyz Monster's attack, this card gains ATK equal to that monster's Rank x 500.

CARD ID: 84124261
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
Powered by
YuGiOh! TCG karta: Number 39: Utopia Roots


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Legacy of the Valiant LVAL-EN048 Rare-,--€-,--€-,--€
Legacy of the Valiant LVAL-EN048 Ultimate Rare-,--€-,--€-,--€

Card Trivia

 This card is the Rank-Downed and devolved form of Number 39: Utopia.
This card is the first devolved Number that has a lesser Rank than its original form.
It is also the first alternative Number not to have an added element before the digits in its name.
This card's effect is an improved version of the effect of Number 39: Utopia.
This card may come from the expression roots of evolution, which states that a beginning or primordial stage of evolution is unbalanced, weak or strong, and as it evolves, it compensates by counterbalancing some traits it loses.
This card's artwork angle is mirrored from that of Number 39: Utopia, to the point that Utopia even wields its sword in the opposite hand (right in the original Utopia, left in Roots).
This monster appears in the artworks of Heat & Heal, Number Fortification and Overlay Accel.
Either this monster or Number 39: Utopia appears in the artwork of Rank Revolution.
This monster's sealed form appears in the artwork of Rank-Down-Magic Utopia Fall.


OCG Rulings

This effect does not target.: Number 39: Utopia Roots

Detaching 1 Xyz Material from this card is a cost to activate this effect.

This effect can only be activated once per Attack Declaration. If multiple attacks are declared in a single turn, this effect can be activated once on each of those Attack Declarations.

The ATK gained by this effect remains increased as long as this card remains face-up on the field.