Number 16: Shock Master

Fairy / Xyz / Effect  LIGHT / 4
3 Level 4 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card to declare 1 card type (Monster, Spell, or Trap); that type of card (if Spell or Trap) cannot be activated, or (if Monster) cannot activate its effects, until the end of your opponent's next turn.

CARD ID: 54719828
STATUS TCG: Forbidden
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Number 16: Shock Master


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Collectible Tins 2012 Wave 2 CT09-EN014 Super Rare---
Weekly Shonen Jump Alpha April 2012 membership promotional card JUMP-EN060 Ultra Rare---

Card Trivia

 This card's name is a pun on the one of the on readings of the kanji for color (色, しょく, shoku), as it also sounds like the word shock (ショック, shokku).
This card is the first Fairy-Type Number monster, as well as the first Number monster to be Forbidden.
Coincidentally, at the same time in which this card was Forbidden in the TCG, Number 11: Big Eye was Limited in the OCG. They were both used by Fortuno.
In the anime, when this monster detaches an Xyz Material, it absorbs it into its center horn.
Its effect then uses the bigger eyes above its face as spotlights, and reveals face-down cards on the field of the declared type, before launching the center horn on its forehead into the revealed card. Its horn regrows afterwards.
The number 16 is shown on the right side of what could be described as the waist of this monster.
This monster's initial form somewhat resembles a prism. When the sealed form transforms into its unsealed form, the prism-like form first breaks apart. The broken pieces then destroy themselves and then form the unsealed form of this monster (it first does the mask-like face that is part of this monster's beak and then it forms the rest of the body).
This monster appears in the artwork of Summon Gate.


OCG Rulings

Detaching an Xyz Material is an activation cost.: Xyz Monster > Number 16: Shock Master

You declare the type of card (Monster/Spell/Trap) when activating the effect.

If you declare "Monster Card", then you cannot activate the Ignition/Trigger/Quick/Flip Effects of monsters. You can still Normal Summon or Set monsters, and you can still perform Special Summons that do not use a Chain Link, like that of "Cyber Dragon" or "Dark Armed Dragon". Continuous Effects (which do not use Chain Links) are applied normally.: If Monster Cards are declared for the effect of "Number 16: Shock Master", then do things like Normal Summons become impossible?

The effect of "Number 16: Shock Master" also prevents players from activating effects outside of the field.: While applying the effect of "Number 16: Shock Master", can you activate effects which activate outside of the field?
Example: You cannot activate monster effects that activate in the hand like "Kuriboh".
Example: You cannot activate monster effects that activate in the Graveyard like "Plaguespreader Zombie".
Example: You can activate the effect of Spell Cards in the Graveyard like "Divine Sword - Phoenix Blade".
Example: You can activate the effect of Trap Cards in the Graveyard like "Damage Diet".

If you declare "Spell Card" or "Trap Card", then players can still activate the effect of Continuous Spell/Trap Cards that are already face-up on the field.: If you declare Spell/Trap Cards for "Number 16: Shock Master", then can you activate "the effect" of things like Continuous Trap Cards?

If a card like "Book of Moon" or "Compulsory Evacuation Device" is Chained to the effect of "Number 16: Shock Master" so that it is not on the field when its effect resolves, then you still apply its effect. If, instead, you apply the effect of "Number 16: Shock Master" and afterwards it leaves the field or flipped face-down, then you keep applying its effect.: If "Number 16: Shock Master" is not on the field when or after applying its effect, then can cards of the declared type be activated?