Mystical Knight of Jackal

Beast-Warrior / Effect  LIGHT / 7
When this card destroys 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field and sends it to your opponent's Graveyard as a result of battle, you can then return the card to the top of your opponent's Deck.
CARD ID: 98745000
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Mystical Knight of Jackal


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Dark Revelation Volume 1 DR1-EN017 Super Rare---
Pharaonic Guardian PGD-069 Ultra Rare---

Card Trivia

 This card is the first LIGHT Beast-Warrior monster.
In Egyptian mythology, jackals were associated with Anubis, the god of death.
This card has a counterpart, Ghost Knight of Jackal.
This card appears on the artwork of Lighten the Load.
Although the monster itself is based on Egyptian mythology, the weapons in its hands are katars, which originated in India.


Previously Official Rulings

In order to
activate the effect of "Mystical Knight of Jackal", the monster that "Mystical Knight of Jackal" destroyed as a result of battle must be your opponent's own monster, not one of your monsters that your opponent controls.

"Mystical Knight of Jackal" sends a monster to the Graveyard as a result of battle, and THEN returns it to the top of the deck, so "Sangan" or "Witch of the Black Forest", etc., will activate their effects.

If "Banisher of the Light" is in play, the monster is removed from play and "Mystical Knight of Jackal" does not activate its effect so the monster does not return to the top of the Deck.

If "Mystical Knight of Jackal" attacks a face-down "Man-Eater Bug", and "Man-Eater Bug" destroys "Mystical Knight of Jackal", then the effect of "Mystical Knight of Jackal" is not applied.

"Mystical Knight of Jackal" does activate its effect even if "Necrovalley" is in play.

When "Mystical Knight of Jackal" attacks "Mystic Tomato", during the End Step both effects activate simultaneously once "Mystic Tomato" is sent to the Graveyard, so they form a chain. The turn player's effect is Step 1 of the chain, and the opponent's is Step 2; so "Mystic Tomato" resolves first, and a monster is Special Summoned and the Deck is shuffled. Then the turn player chooses whether to place "Mystic Tomato" on top of the owner's Deck with the effect of "Mystical Knight of Jackal".

Mentions in Other Rulings

Desertapir: If "Mystical Knight of Jackal" or "Ghost Knight of Jackal" attacks, and is flipped face-down by "Desertapir", the attacking monster is no longer face-up when "Desertapir" is sent to the Graveyard (which is when their effects activate), so their effects do not apply to "Desertapir".

Outstanding Dog Marron: When "Mystical Knight of Jackal" attacks "Outstanding Dog Marron" and destroys it, the effects are simultaneous. So "Mystical Knight of Jackal's" effect is Step 1 of a chain and "Outstanding Dog Marron" is Step 2. "Outstanding Dog Marron" is returned to the Deck and "Mystical Knight of Jackal's" effect disappears.

Out of Date

Mentions in Other Rulings

Necrovalley: "Necrovalley" will NOT negate effects that do not target a card or cards in the Graveyard. So "Necrovalley" will NOT negate the effects of "Mystical Knight of Jackal"The latest print of "Necrovalley" has Problem-Solving Card Text which states that it negates the effects of cards that move cards in the Graveyard to other locations, regardless of whether or not they target.