Musakani Magatama

  Counter / Trap
When your opponent activates a Spell/Trap Card, or monster effect, that destroys a card(s), while you control a "Six Samurai" monster: Negate the activation, and if you do, destroy it. 
CARD ID: 41458579
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Musakani Magatama


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Samurai Warlords Structure Deck SDWA-EN037 Common---
Spirit Warriors SPWA-EN055 Super Rare---
Storm of Ragnarok STOR-EN074 Rare---

Card Trivia

 This card is a Six Samurai version of Destruction Jammer.
This card's name is a play on the Yasakani no Magatama.
This cards bears the symbol of the Six Samurai on the medallion and the insignia of Shien on the magatama itself.


TCG Rulings

This card does not target. : Storm of Ragnarok -- Card Rulings (Version 1.0)

You must Chain it directly to the card that is attempting to destroy something.

You cannot Chain it to the effect of a Continuous Spell or Trap.

You can Chain this to a card that would destroy a card that is in your hand or Deck.

You can Chain this card to a Counter Trap that negates and destroys something.

You cannot activate this card if you have no “Six Samurai” monsters on the field, attempt to Summon one, and your opponent activates "Solemn Judgment".

You cannot activate this card if "Deck Devastation Virus" is activated and would only destroy cards in your hand, unless the cards in the hand are revealed by an effect like "Ceremonial Bell

Judge Program Forum Rulings

{{RulingFlagged">TCGJudgeProgram =
You would not be able to activate "
Musakani Magatama" in response to the activation of the effects of "Snipe Hunter{{SpanElemental Hero Stratos" as neither card is guaranteed to destroy a card when their effect is activated.: Musakani Magatama Vs Snipe Hunter / Elemental Hero Stratos

You can activate "Musakani Magatama" or "Prime Material Dragon" to negate the effect of "Time Wizard" as "Time Wizard" is guaranteed to destroy a card.: Time Wizard vs. Musakani Magatama and Prime Material Dragon