Last Chapter of the Noble Knights

  Normal / Spell
If your opponent controls a monster and you control no monsters: You can target 1 "Noble Arms" Equip Spell Card and 1 appropriate "Noble Knight" monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon that monster, and if you do, equip that Equip Spell Card to that appropriate monster. You can only activate 1 "Last Chapter of the Noble Knights" per turn. 
CARD ID: 66970385
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Last Chapter of the Noble Knights


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Noble Knights of the Round Table Box Set NKRT-EN017 Platinum Rare---

Card Trivia

 Lady of the Lake, Noble Arms - Excaliburn and Noble Knight Bedwyr appear in this card's artwork, along with the reflections of Noble Knight Eachtar and the red version of Noble Arms - Arfeudutyr (as seen in the artwork of Ignoble Knight of High Laundsallyn).
Eachtar is currently manipulated by the ghost of Laundsallyn, as seen in the artwork of Noble Knight Eachtar.
This reflects Merlin's prediction of Bedwyr's death, as told in .
Based on this card's name and the characters present, it seems likely that this card is meant to represent Bedivere returning Excalibur to the Lady of the Lake, so that Arthur may go to Avalon.
In other TCG languages, the names can be translated as follows:
French and Spanish: Last Chapter of the Noble Knight
German: Noble Knight: The Last Chapter
Italian: The Last Chapter of the Noble Knights
Portuguese: Lost Chapter of the Noble Knights
::As seen above with the exception of the Italian and Portuguese names, no plural form of the phrase
Noble Knight is used, and in the case of the Portuguese name, no agreement is applied, to not exclude this card from the Noble Knight archetype. Also see Noble Knight#Naming in the TCG". Also note that the Portuguese name suffers a mistranslation.