King of the Skull Servants

Zombie / Effect  DARK / 1
The original ATK of this card is the combined number of "King of the Skull Servants" and "Skull Servant" in your GY x 1000. When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the GY: You can banish 1 other "King of the Skull Servants" or 1 "Skull Servant" from your GY; Special Summon this card.
CARD ID: 36021814
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
Powered by
YuGiOh! TCG karta: King of the Skull Servants


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Astral Pack Six AP06-EN017 Common---
Dark Revelation Volume 3 DR3-EN212 Common---
OTS Tournament Pack 16 OP16-EN005 Super Rare---
Speed Duel: Arena of Lost Souls SBLS-EN031 Super Rare---
Speed Duel Tournament Pack 2 STP2-EN005 Ultra Rare---
The Lost Millennium TLM-EN032 Common---
Turbo Pack: Booster Four TU04-EN016 Common---

Card Trivia

 Multiple copies of Skull Servant and/or this monster appear in this card's artwork.
This monster or Skull Servant possibly appear in the artworks of Ghost Salvage, Panic Burial, Reject Reborn, Quarantine and There Can Be Only One.
This card was the first Zombie-Type monsters with ? ATK.
Taken in context with the Pojo thread, Kevin Tewart hinted in  that this card (and potentially the rest of the Wight series) was the result of him mentioning to Konami the popularity of Skull Servant in places like Pojo.
This card is supposedly part of a card art story with Outstanding Dog Marron as seen in Monster Rebone


Previously Official Rulings

If the number of “
Skull Servant” and “King of the Skull Servants” cards in your Graveyard changes, re-calculate the original ATK of “King of the Skull Servants”. If it is equipped with "Megamorph" you would then re-apply the effect of "Megamorph".

If you have 2 "Skull Servant" cards in your Graveyard (original ATK 2000), and you equip this card with "Megamorph", its current ATK will become either 4000 or 1000, depending on your Life Points.

Since the ATK of this card is ?, it cannot be Special Summoned by the effect of "Mystic Tomato".

Removing from play 1 "Skull Servant" or "King of the Skull Servants" to Special Summon a "King of the Skull Servants" is a cost.

Mentions in Other Rulings

Black Garden: If "King of the Skull Servants" is Normal or Special Summoned, first its original ATK is set by its effect. When "Black Garden" halves its ATK, it will halve the original ATK, and even if the number of "King of the Skull Servants" and/or "Skull Servants" in the Graveyard changes afterwards, the ATK of the "King of the Skull Servants" remains at the halved value set by "Black Garden".

Damage Condenser: You cannot use "Damage Condenser" to Special Summon a monster whose ATK is variable or undetermined ("King of the Skull Servants")

Edge Hammer: If you destroy a monster whose original ATK is undefined, like "King of the Skull Servants", this card will not inflict any damage to the opponent.

Elemental HERO Thunder Giant"Elemental Hero Thunder Giant" is activated, targeting "King of the Skull Servants" with 2000 original ATK, and the opponent chains "Curse of Aging" and discards "Skull Servant" to activate it, then "King of the Skull Servants" has 3000 original ATK and is not destroyed.

Option Hunter: If you send a monster to the Graveyard for "Option Hunter" that has undetermined ATK, you gain 0 Life Points. ("King of the Skull Servants")

Shrink: If amonster like "King of the Skull Servants", whose original ATK varies, is affected by "Shrink", its ATK will become half of its original ATK at the time "Shrink" resolved. If its ATK changes by its own effect in the same turn, recalculate the effect of "Shrink" based on the new original ATK.

Unstable Evolution: If "Unstable Evolution" is equipped to "King of the Skull Servants", "King of the Skull Servant's" original ATK becomes the value determined by "Unstable Evolution". When "Unstable Evolution" is negated or removed from the field, "King of the Skull Servant's" original ATK is determined by its effect.

Winged Kuriboh LV10: The "combined original ATK" of the destroyed monsters is calculated after the monsters are destroyed and are no longer on the field. So a destroyed "King of the Skull Servants" would add 0 damage to this effect, and a destroyed "Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast" that was Summoned without Tribute would add 2800 damage.