Karate Man

Warrior / Effect  EARTH / 3
You can double the original ATK of this card once per turn. If you used this effect, destroy this card during the End Phase.
CARD ID: 23289281
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Karate Man


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Dark Beginning 1 DB1-EN049 Common---
Magic Ruler MRL-083 Rare---
Magic Ruler MRL-E083 Rare---
Spell Ruler SRL-083 Rare---
Spell Ruler SRL-EN083 Rare---
Starter Deck: Joey SDJ-013 Common---
Tournament Pack 4 TP4-013 Common---

Card Trivia

 This card appears to be based off of the character Williams from the Bruce Lee film Enter the Dragon, played by Jim Kelly.
His afro is actually a wig, as shown in the artwork of Weed Out.
This card has the same ATK, DEF, Level, and Effect as Plague Wolf.
Although partially obscured, the Japanese characters behind Karate Man appear to spell out 花鳥風月 (kachōfūgetsu). This is a  made up of characters for flower (花), bird (鳥), wind (風) and moon (月), which are regarded as classic elements of Japanese aesthetics, and representative of the beauty of nature.


Previously Official Rulings

Reverse Trap's" effect is not applied because "doubled and halved" are not considered as increasing or decreasing.

If "Karate Man" is equipped with "Megamorph", and "Megamorph" is halving "Karate Man's" ATK, and you use "Karate Man's" effect, "Karate Man's" ATK is 2000. If you use "Karate Man's" effect, and THEN equip him with "Megamorph" after that, and "Megamorph" would halve his ATK, then his ATK is 500.

If the effect of "Shrink" is applied after "Karate Man's" effect has been used, its ATK will become 500. If "Karate Man" is affected by "Shrink", then its effect is activated, its ATK will become 2000.

Mentions in Other Rulings

Interdimensional Matter Transporter:" When "Karate Man", or a monster affected by "Limiter Removal", is removed from play with "Interdimensional Matter Transporter", it is not destroyed that turn because the effect of "Karate Man"/"Limiter Removal" is reset.