Karakuri Spider

Machine / Effect  EARTH / 2
If this card attacks a DARK monster, destroy the attack target after damage calculation.
CARD ID: 45688586
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Karakuri Spider


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Starstrike Blast STBL-EN090 Common---

Card Trivia

 This card was the first member of the Karakuri archetype, even though the idea of such an archetype was not conceived of when this card was first introduced; as such, it is thematically unrelated (e.g. artwork and effect) to the rest of the archetype's monsters. Its TCG introduction was in Starstrike Blast, the same booster pack that introduced the Karakuri archetype in general.
First DARK Anti-support card to be released.


TCG Rulings

This card’s effect is applied at the same time you apply Flip Effects.: Starstrike Blast Sneak Peek -- Card Rulings (Version 1.0)
You still destroy the DARK monster even if its ATK and DEF are higher than Karakuri Spider’s.
If Karakuri Spider attacks Relinquished, Relinquished is destroyed even if it has a monster equipped.
If Karakuri Spider attacks Dark Ruler Ha Des, Karakuri Spider’s effect is negated.

OCG Rulings

The effect of "Karakuri Spider" activates after inflicting Battle Damage, at the same time that Flip Effects activate.: Effect Monster > Karakuri Spider Thus, if "Karakuri Spider" attacks "Dark Ruler Ha Des", then you first perform damage calculation and "Karakuri Spider" is destroyed by battle. The effect of "Dark Ruler Ha Des" negates the effects of "Karakuri Spider", so you cannot use the effect of "Karakuri Spider" to destroy "Dark Ruler Ha Des".: If "Karakuri Spider" attacks "Dark Ruler Ha Des", then are the monsters destroyed anyway?