Jurrac Tyrannus

Dinosaur / Effect  FIRE / 7
You can Tribute 1 Dinosaur monster; this card gains 500 ATK. If this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the GY: This card gains 300 ATK.
CARD ID: 62701967
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Jurrac Tyrannus


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Duel Terminal 2 DT02-EN068 Duel Terminal Super Parallel R---
Hidden Arsenal 2 HA02-EN038 Secret Rare---
Speed Duel: Scars of Battle SBSC-EN018 Common---

Card Trivia

This card's name comes from Tyrannosaurus (Tyrant lizard).
Despite this its appearance is not accurate, its arms are too long and it has one finger to many (T-Rex had two fingers, this monster has three) however, it could be a generic Tyrannosaurus.
This monster appears to have fur, which makes it the second Dinosaur-Type monster besides Destroyersaurus to have fur visible in his card artwork.
This card's effects reflect that it is a carnivore. It can eat other monsters to increase its ATK.


TCG Rulings

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