Into the Void
Normal / Spell
If you have 3 or more cards in your hand: Draw 1 card, and if you do, during the End Phase of this turn, discard your entire hand.
CARD ID: 93946239
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TCG Set | Symbol | Rarity | Low | Avg | Trend | |
Battles of Legend: Light's Revenge | BLLR-EN074 | Ultra Rare | - | - | - | |
The Shining Darkness | TSHD-EN049 | Ultimate Rare | - | - | - | |
The Shining Darkness | TSHD-EN049 | Ultra Rare | - | - | - |
The cards Infernity Avenger and Infernity Force appear in this card's artwork.
This card was created specifically to support the “Infernity” archetype and to combo with “Phantom Hand”.
This card was created specifically to support the “Infernity” archetype and to combo with “Phantom Hand”.
TCG Rulings
You'll still apply the effect of "Into the Void" even if you have 2 or fewer cards in your hand when it resolves.: The Shining Darkness Sneak Peek -- Card Rulings (Version 1.0)
Discarding all cards in your hand during the End Phase does not start a Chain.
You can Chain "Mystical Refpanel" to "Into the Void". The drawing and discarding will be performed by the opponent of the player that activated "Into the Void".: Mystical Refpanel vs. Into the Void
You cannot Chain "Null and Void" to "Into the Void".
You can activate "Into the Void" when you have only 3 cards in your hand, including "Into the Void".
OCG Rulings
You can activate this card while you only have 3 cards in your hand, and 1 is "Into the Void".: If you have three cards in your hand including one "Into the Void", then can you activate it?
If you have two or fewer cards in your hand when resolving the effect of "Into the Void", then you still apply the effects which have you draw cards and discard your hand during the End Phase.
The effect of discarding cards during the End Phase did not start a chain: Spell Card > Into the Void
You can Chain "Mystical Refpanel" when your opponent activates "Into the Void". In this case, you (the opponent of the player who activated "Into the Void") will perform both the effect which draws cards and the effect which discards the hand.: Can you Chain "Mystical Refpanel" to "Into the Void"?