Great Poseidon Beetle

Insect / Effect  EARTH / 7
If this card targets an opponent's face-up Attack Position monster for an attack, and that monster is not destroyed by the battle, this card can attack the same monster again in a row. This effect can only be used twice per turn.
CARD ID: 75292259
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Great Poseidon Beetle


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Premium Collection Tin PRC1-EN008 Super Rare-,--€-,--€-,--€

Card Trivia

 Despite this card's type, it seems to not be a real Insect, but a humanoid figure in an armor that resembles a beetle.
In Greek mythology, Poseidon was the god of the sea.
It seems possible that this card is based on the Godzilla character Megalon, as Megalon was a giant beetle who was worshipped by an undersea people. This may also be why the card is equated to Poseidon.
The idea of this card probably stemmed from a type of Rhinoceros Beetle called the Neptune Beetle.  Neptune is Poseidon's Roman name and the beetle was named thus because it's horns evoke the imagery of Poseidon's famous Trident.


OCG Rulings

"Great Poseidon Beetle" can attack once more only if it selected a monster in Attack Position as an attack target, and that monster was not destroyed by battle.
Example: "Final Attack Orders" is active and the opponent has a "Spirit Reaper" in face-down Defense Position. If "Great Poseidon Beetle" attacks that "Spirit Reaper", then "Great Poseidon Beetle" cannot attack once more, even though "Spirit Reaper" was changed to face-up Attack Position.: If a Defense Position monster attacked by "Great Poseidon Beetle" is changed to Attack Position, then can it attack once more?