Grandmaster of the Six Samurai

Warrior / Effect  EARTH / 5
You can only control 1 "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai". If you control a "Six Samurai" monster, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). If this card in your possession is destroyed by an opponent's card effect: Target 1 "Six Samurai" monster in your GY; add that target to your hand.
CARD ID: 83039729
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Grandmaster of the Six Samurai


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Battle Pack Tournament Prize Cards BATT-EN016 Starfoil Rare---
Duel Terminal 6b DT06-EN057 Duel Terminal Rare Parallel Ra---
Gold Series GLD1-EN026 Gold Rare---
Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy Years Mega Pack LCGX-EN226 Common---
Ra Yellow Mega Pack RYMP-EN087 Common---
Samurai Warlords Structure Deck SDWA-EN002 Common---
Spirit Warriors SPWA-EN009 Super Rare---
Strike of Neos STON-EN000 Secret Rare---
Strike of Neos Sneak Peek Participation Card STON-ENSP1 Super Rare---
Turbo Pack: Booster One TU01-EN009 Rare---

Card Trivia

 This monster appears in the artworks of Cunning of the Six Samurai, Six Scrolls of the Samurai, Gozen Match and Evenly Matched.
This card is often called The Seventh Samurai by players, since it was the first Six Samurai monster to come after the original basic Six Samurai.
This monster is the older version of Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan, as supported by the Master Guide 3 card storylines.


TCG Rulings

Judge Program Forum Rulings

{{RulingFlagged">TCGJudgeProgram =
If "
Grandmaster of the Six Samurai" is destroyed simultaneously with other "Six Samurai" monsters by an effect like "Dark Hole", the effect of "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai" activates and adds 1 "Six Samurai" monster that is currently in the Graveyard to the hand. This does include the "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai" and the other "Six Samurai" monsters that were destroyed by "Dark Hole".: DARK HOLE vs. GRANDMASTER - KIZAN -YAICHI!!!!

OCG Rulings

You can Normal Summon this card. It is neither a Nomi nor a Semi-Nomi monster.: Effect Monster > Grandmaster of the Six Samurai

When "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai" is sent to the Graveyard, the effect which adds 1 "Six Samurai" monster from your Graveyard to your hand starts a chain. It targets the monster to be added to your hand.

If "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai" is destroyed and banished, such as by "Macro Cosmos" or "Banisher of the Light", the effect which adds 1 "Six Samurai" monster from your Graveyard to your hand still activates.: When "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai" is destroyed and banished, do you still activate the effect which adds one "Six Samurai" monster from your Graveyard to your hand? The effect activates in the Graveyard if it is sent to the Graveyard, and activates in the Banished Zone if the monster is banished.

If "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai" is destroyed by an opponent's effect while in the hand or deck, the effect still activates.: When "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai" is destroyed while in the hand or deck, does the effect activate?

You can Special Summon "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai" from your hand when you control two or more "Six Samurai" monsters.: When two or more "Six Samurai" monsters are on your field, can you Special Summon "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai"?

When "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai" is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, it can return itself to the hand.: When the effect of "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai" is activated, can you add "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai" to your hand?

When the effect of "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai" which adds a "Six Samurai" monster from your Graveyard to your hand is activated, the effect of "Royal Oppression" cannot be chained because the effect of "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai

Previously Official Rulings

Grandmaster of the Six Samurai's" second effect targets 1 "Six SamuraI"{{sic monster in your Graveyard. If "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai" is in your Graveyard, it can target itself.

If "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai" is destroyed by your opponent's card effect while in your hand or your Deck, its effect activates.

If you Special Summon "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai" and your opponent negates the Special Summon and destroys it with their "Royal Oppression", "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai's" effect activates. If your opponent uses the effect of your "Royal Oppression" to negate the Special Summon, "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai's" effect does not activate.

If your opponent activates an effect to destroy one of your "Six Samurai" monsters and you use the effect of the "Six Samurai" monster to destroy your "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai", "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai's" effect doesn't activate because it was destroyed by your "Six Samurai" monster and not by your opponent's card effect.

Mentions in Other Rulings

Hero Mask: If you select "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai" and change its name with "Hero Mask's" effect, and afterwards you Summon another "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai", when "Hero Mask's" effect disappears in the End Phase the Summoned "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai" is destroyed because you cannot control more than 1 face-up "Grandmaster of the Six Samurai".