
Dinosaur / Effect  EARTH / 3
You can Special Summon this card (from your hand). If Summoned this way: Activate this effect; your opponent can Special Summon 1 monster from their Graveyard.
CARD ID: 45894482
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Gilasaurus


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Battle Pack: Epic Dawn BP01-EN177 Common---
Battle Pack: Epic Dawn BP01-EN177 Starfoil Rare---
Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants BP02-EN013 Common---
Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants BP02-EN013 Mosaic Rare---
Dark Beginning 2 DB2-EN008 Common---
Dinosmasher's Fury Structure Deck SR04-EN012 Common---
Labyrinth of Nightmare LON-071 Rare---
Labyrinth of Nightmare LON-E071 Rare---
Labyrinth of Nightmare LON-EN071 Rare---
Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega Pack LCJW-EN148 Common---
Retro Pack 2 RP02-EN043 Common---
Speed Duel Starter Decks: Ultimate Predators SS03-ENA10 Common---
Structure Deck: Dinosaur's Rage SD09-EN005 Common---

Card Trivia

 This monster is probably based on a Velociraptor, because of its effect to be instantly Special Summoned as a reflection of the Velociraptor's incredible speed. It also sports a large sickle-like claw on its second digit on the foot.
Its effect could be a reference to the Jurassic Park movie, where it's stated that velociraptors are pack hunters: by Special Summoning this card, the owner can still Normal Summon another monster.
This monster appears in the artwork of Lost World.


TCG Rulings

Previously Official Rulings

The effect of this card only activates when you elect to change its Normal Summon to a Special Summon. Not if it is Special Summoned by "Monster Reborn", "Marauding Captain", etc.

You can use the effect of this card to change its Normal Summon to a Special Summon even if your opponent has no monsters in their Graveyard.

Mentions in Other Rulings

Necrovalley:" If "Necrovalley" is on the field, you can Special Summon "Gilasaurus" using its effect, but the effect that lets your opponent Special Summon is negated.

Skill Drain:" You can Special Summon "Gilasaurus" while "Skill Drain" is active, but its effect is negated so your opponent does not get to Special Summon.

The End of Anubis:" While "The End of Anubis" is on the field, if you Special Summon "Gilasaurus", your opponent can't Special Summon.