Gandora the Dragon of Destruction

Dragon / Effect  DARK / 8
Cannot be Special Summoned. You can pay half your LP; destroy as many cards on the field as possible (other than this card), and if you do, banish them. This card gains 300 ATK for each card destroyed this way. Once per turn, during the End Phase, if this card was Normal or Flip Summoned this turn: Send it to the Graveyard.
CARD ID: 64681432
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Gandora the Dragon of Destruction


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Collectible Tins 2010 Wave 2 CT07-EN020 Super Rare---
Millennium Pack MIL1-EN005 Common---
Shonen Jump Vol. 7, Issue 1 promotional card JUMP-EN028 Ultra Rare---
Star Pack 2013 SP13-EN041 Common---
Star Pack 2013 SP13-EN041 Starfoil Rare---
Yugi's Legendary Decks YGLD-ENC03 Common---

Card Trivia

 This card is the Signature Card of Yugi Muto (excluding cards shared with Yami Yugi).
This card is the first among Dragon monsters and Level 8 monsters to have 0 ATK.
This card's name, Gandora, could be a reference to King Ghidorah from Toho's Godzilla franchise. Ghidorah is stated to be a god of destruction in some of his incarnations.
This card's name is also an anagram of dragon (read as doragon) in Japanese.
This monster has three retrained counterparts: Gandora-X the Dragon of Demolition, Gandora Giga Rays the Dragon of Destruction and Gandora-G the Dragon of Destruction.
This card's OCG/TCG artwork is taken from , specifically from the panel where this monster is shown being Summoned.


OCG Rulings

If "Imperial Iron Wall" is active, then cards/effects that destroy and remove from play cards (such as "Gandora the Dragon of Destruction") cannot be activated. If "Imperial Iron Wall" is chained to such an effect, then the affected card(s) is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, but is not removed from play.: When "Imperial Iron Wall" is active, how do effects which destroy and remove cards resolve?

If a Token Monster is destroyed and removed from the field by the effect of "Gandora the Dragon of Destruction", then the Token Monster was still destroyed by this effect, so it is counted for the ATK increase.: Does the ATK increase for "Gandora the Dragon of Destruction" also count the number of destroyed Token Monsters?

If "Book of Moon" is Chained to the effect of "Gandora the Dragon of Destruction" to flip "Gandora the Dragon of Destruction" face-down, then "Gandora the Dragon of Destruction" is not destroyed by its effect and remains on the field.: If "Gandora the Dragon of Destruction" is face-down when resolving its effect, then is it destroyed?

If a face-down card is destroyed and remove from play by the effect of "Gandora the Dragon of Destruction", then it is removed from play face-up.: Are all cards destroyed by the effect of "Gandora the Dragon of Destruction" removed from play face-up?

You cannot activate the effect of "Gandora the Dragon of Destruction" if there are no other cards on the field.: Can you activate the effect of "Gandora the Dragon of Destruction" if there are no cards on the field?

You can activate the effect of "Gandora the Dragon of Destruction" multiple times in one turn, as long as there is another card on the field that will be destroyed and removed from play.: Can you activate the effect of "Gandora the Dragon of Destruction" multiple times in the same turn?

When your opponent activates the effect of "Gandora the Dragon of Destruction", if there is another monster on the field that would be destroyed and removed from play, then you can Chain "My Body as a Shield" to the effect of "Gandora the Dragon of Destruction".: Can "My Body as a Shield" be Chained to the effect of "Gandora the Dragon of Destruction"?

Suppose "Gandora the Dragon of Destruction" is removed from play by "Interdimensional Matter Transporter" during the turn in which "Gandora the Dragon of Destruction" was Normal Summoned or Flip Summoned. During the End Phase, the effect of "Gandora the Dragon of Destruction" which sends it to the Graveyard will activate after "Gandora the Dragon of Destruction" is returned to the field.: If "Gandora the Dragon of Destruction" is removed from play by "Interdimensional Matter Transporter", then during the End Phase is it sent to the Graveyard after returning?

If you activate the effect of "Gandora the Dragon of Destruction" and your opponent Chains an effect like "Enemy Controller" to gain control of "Gandora the Dragon of Destruction", then "Gandora the Dragon of Destruction" still does not destroy itself with its effect.: If "Enemy Controller" is Chained to "Gandora the Dragon of Destruction", then is the "Gandora the Dragon of Destruction" which changed control also destroyed?