Final Countdown

  Normal / Spell
Pay 2000 Life Points. After 20 turns have passed after you activate this card (counting the turn you activate this card as the 1st turn), you win the Duel. 
CARD ID: 95308449
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Final Countdown


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Champion Pack: Game One CP01-EN016 Common---
Dark Crisis DCR-091 Common---
Dark Crisis DCR-EN091 Common---
Dark Revelation Volume 1 DR1-EN253 Common---

Card Trivia

 The twenty flames in this card's artwork represent the twenty turns that have to pass for this card's victory condition to be successful.
The face looks similar to Invasion of Flames and Inferno.


TCG Rulings

Judge Program Forum Rulings

{{RulingFlagged">TCGJudgeProgram =
For End of Match procedures, you resolve all appropriate effects before checking
Life Point difference. For example, if the final turn of End of Match procedures is also the last turn for the effect of "Final Countdown", the effect of "Final Countdown" would be applied before the End of Match procedures Life Point check.: Final Countdown in Time"End of Match" is a procedure that is applied in official Tournaments when a Duel takes a long time to finish. The Judge announces to the Duelists that the Duel will end in a specific ammount of turns and when the final turn of End of Match procedures finish, whichever Duelist has the most Life Points

Previously Official Rulings

You count turns for "
Final Countdown" like this: Turn 1 is the turn you activate it, Turn 2 is your opponent's turn, Turn 3 is your turn after you activated "Final Countdown", etc.

"Final Countdown" is immediately sent to the Graveyard when it resolves.

You can activate "Pyro Clock of Destiny" to advance the turn count by 1 for "Final Countdown". "Final Countdown" does not have to be on the field when you use "Pyro Clock of Destiny".

You win when the 20th turn ends, before the Draw Phase of the 21st turn.

When your opponent chains "Imperial Order" to your "Final Countdown", the effect of "Final Countdown" is negated and you cannot start counting turns. But if "Final Countdown" is activated and resolves, and later "Imperial Order" is activated, it will have no effect on "Final Countdown" because "Final Countdown" will be in the Graveyard.

Mentions in Other Rulings

Pyro Clock of Destiny: You can use "Pyro Clock of Destiny" to advance the turn count by 1 for "Final Countdown".