Evil HERO Infernal Sniper

Fiend / Fusion / Effect  FIRE / 6
"Elemental HERO Clayman" + "Elemental HERO Burstinatrix"
Must be Special Summoned with "Dark Fusion". Cannot be destroyed by Spell effects. Once per turn, during your Standby Phase: Inflict 1000 damage to your opponent. This card must be in face-up Defense Position to activate and to resolve this effect.

CARD ID: 50282757
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Evil HERO Infernal Sniper


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 3 DP06-EN012 Super Rare---
Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy Years Mega Pack LCGX-EN071 Ultra Rare---

Card Trivia

 This card is the Evil HERO counterpart of Elemental HERO Rampart Blaster.
This monster's head, facial features, and hairstyle are similar to those of Cyber Blader.
This monster's large oversized left claw appears to be a reference to the Dark Horse superhero Hellboy, whose large stone hand was revealed to be a key to opening a door sealing an unstable demonic entity.