Emissary of the Afterlife

Fiend / Effect  DARK / 4
When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard: Each player adds 1 Level 3 or lower Normal Monster from their Deck to their hand.
CARD ID: 75043725
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Emissary of the Afterlife


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Ancient Sanctuary AST-076 Super Rare---
Champion Pack: Game One CP01-EN019 Common---
Dark Revelation Volume 2 DR2-EN189 Super Rare---
Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega Pack LCYW-EN255 Common---

Card Trivia

 In the GX anime, this card allows adding any monster to the hand as opposed to only Level 3 monsters.
This card's art is similar to that of Reaper of the Cards.
This is one of two monsters whose name starts with Emissary and deals with Level 3 or lower Normal Monsters. The other one is Emissary of the Oasis.


Previously Official Rulings

If neither player has a
Level 3 or lower Normal Monster in their Deck, the effect of "Emissary of the Afterlife" disappears BUT both players get to look at their opponent's Decksas a Level 3 or lower Normal Monster in their Deck, then that player gets to add the monster to his/her hand.

You select monsters when the effect resolves. The effect of "Emissary of the Afterlife" does not target.