Draco Face-Off

  Quick-Play / Spell
Reveal 1 "Dracoslayer" Pendulum Monster and 1 "Dracoverlord" Pendulum Monster from your Deck, your opponent randomly picks 1 of them for you to place in your Pendulum Zone or Special Summon (your choice), and you add the other card to your Extra Deck face-up. You can only activate 1 "Draco Face-Off" per turn. 
CARD ID: 14733538
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Draco Face-Off


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Breakers of Shadow BOSH-EN061 Common---
Premium Gold: Infinite Gold PGL3-EN090 Gold Rare---

Card Trivia

 Lector Pendulum, the Dracoverlord and Master Pendulum, the Dracoslayer appear in this card's artwork.
This card seems to depict the climax of latter's quest to defeat the former.
The events in this card's artwork continue in Amorphous Persona.


OCG Rulings

This card does not target.: Draco Face-Off

This card cannot be activated during the Damage Step.

"Draco Face-Off" cannot be activated if you do not have at least 1 "Dracoslayer" Pendulum Monster and 1 "Dracoverlord" Pendulum Monster in your Deck.

"your opponent randomly picks 1 of them for you to place in your Pendulum Zone or Special Summon (your choice)" and "you add the other card to your Extra Deck, face-up." are resolved simultaneously.

"Solemn Warning" can be activated in a Chain to "Draco Face-Off".: Can "Solemn Warning" be activated in a Chain to "Draco Face-Off"?

"Draco Face-Off" can be activated even if the effect of "Vanity's Emptiness" is being applied and you cannot Special Summon monsters. In that case, you must place the picked monster in your Pendulum Zone.: While the effect of "Vanity's Emptiness" is being applied, can "Draco Face-Off" be activated?

"Draco Face-Off" can be activated even if you have 2 cards in your Pendulum Zones. In that case, you must Special Summon the picked monster.: While you have 2 cards in your Pendulum Zones, can "Draco Face-Off" be activated?

"Draco Face-Off" cannot be activated if you have 2 cards in your Pendulum Zones and you cannot Special Summon monsters.
Suppose "Draco Face-Off" is activated while you have 2 cards in your Pendulum Zones, and "Vanity's Emptiness" is activated in a Chain. When resolving the effect of "Draco Face-Off", if you have 2 cards in your Pendulum Zones and you cannot Special Summon monsters, the effect of "Draco Face-Off" is not applied. ("Reveal 1 "Dracoslayer" Pendulum Monster and 1 "Dracoverlord" Pendulum Monster from your Deck" is not applied.): While you have 2 cards in your Pendulum Zones and you cannot Special Summon monsters, can "Draco Face-Off" be activated?

Suppose "Draco Face-Off" is activated, and "Needlebug Nest" is activated in a Chain. When resolving the effect of "Draco Face-Off", if you do not have a "Dracoslayer" Pendulum Monster and a "Dracoverlord" Pendulum Monster in your Deck, the effect of "Draco Face-Off" is not applied. ("Reveal 1 "Dracoslayer" Pendulum Monster and 1 "Dracoverlord" Pendulum Monster from your Deck" is not applied.): When resolving the effect of "Draco Face-Off", if you do not have any "Dracoslayer" Pendulum Monster or "Dracoverlord" Pendulum Monster, how do you resolve the effect?

Suppose you have "Luster Pendulum, the Dracoslayer" and "Master Pendulum, the Dracoslayer" in your Pendulum Zones, and your opponent controls "Gozen Match".
If you control no face-up monsters, "Draco Face-Off" can be activated, and the effect is applied normally. (Since you have no empty Pendulum Zones, you must Special Summon the picked monster.): While you have 2 cards in your Pendulum Zones and the effect of "Gozen Match" is being applied, can "Draco Face-Off" be activated?
If you control a face-up monster (for example, a LIGHT monster), "Draco Face-Off" cannot be activated.

If "Gozen Match" is activated in a Chain to "Draco Face-Off", resolve the effect appropriately based on the status of your field.
If you have an empty Pendulum Zone and you control no face-up monsters, the effect of "Draco Face-Off" is applied normally. (You either place the picked monster in your Pendulum Zone or Special Summon it.): If "Gozen Match" is activated in a Chain to "Draco Face-Off", how do you resolve the effect?
If you have an empty Pendulum Zone and you control a face-up monster, the effect of "Draco Face-Off" is applied normally. (Since you cannot Special Summon a monster with a different Attribute than the face-up monster you control, you must place the picked monster in your Pendulum Zone.)
If you have no empty Pendulum Zones and you control no face-up monsters, the effect of "Draco Face-Off" is applied normally. (Since you have no empty Pendulum Zones, you must Special Summon the picked monster.)
If you have no empty Pendulum Zones and you control a face-up monster, the effect of "Draco Face-Off" is not applied. (You do not reveal any monster from your Deck.)

When resolving the effect of "Draco Face-Off", you cannot picks a monster declared by "Prohibition".
Suppose "Prohibition" is activated by declaring "Luster Pendulum, the Dracoslayer". If "Draco Face-Off" is activated, you must picks "Master Pendulum, the Dracoslayer" as the "Dracoslayer" Pendulum Monster. Also, if you do not have any "Master Pendulum, the Dracoslayer", since you cannot picks any "Dracoslayer" Pendulum Monster from your Deck, "Draco Face-Off" cannot be activated.: When "Draco Face-Off" is activated, can you picks a monster declared by "Prohibition"?