Disciple of the Forbidden Spell

Warrior / Effect  LIGHT / 4
When this card is Summoned, declare different Monster Card Attributes equal to the number of "Disciple of the Forbidden Spell"(s) in your Graveyard. If this card attacks a monster that has a declared Attribute, destroy the monster with this card's effect without applying damage calculation.
CARD ID: 15595052
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Disciple of the Forbidden Spell


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Dark Revelation Volume 4 DR04-EN136 Common---
Shadow of Infinity SOI-EN016 Common---

Card Trivia

 The forbidden Spell in question must be Raigeki, since the opponent's monster would be immediately destroyed and Flash of the Forbidden Spell is considered to be the legal version of Raigeki.
Based on the artwork and its Japanese name, Disciple of the Forbidden Spell might be the unnamed brother of Getsu Fuhma, in the 1987 Konami's Famicom game, Getsu Fūma Den. He is seen holding two of the three ancient swords handed down to him, while the other one is wielded by Getsu Fuhma.


OCG Rulings

The monster effect "When this card is Summoned, declare different Monster Card Attributes equal to the number of "Disciple of the Forbidden Spell"(s) in your Graveyard" is a Trigger Effect that is always activated when "Disciple of the Forbidden Spell" is successfully Normal, Flip, or Special Summoned.: Disciple of the Forbidden Spell

When this effect resolves, declare a number of Attributes equal to the number of "Disciple of the Forbidden Spell"(s) in your Graveyard. (If there are 2 "Disciple of the Forbidden Spell"(s) in your Graveyard and you declare 2 Attributes, you cannot declare the same Attribute twice.)

The monster effect "If this card attacks a monster that has a declared Attribute, destroy the monster with this card's effect without applying damage calculation" is a Trigger Effect. (It does not target.)

If a monster of an Attribute declared by the monster effect activated when "Disciple of the Forbidden Spell" was Normal, Flip, or Special Summoned is attacked, the effect is activated at the start of that Damage Step. (If the opponent's monster is in face-down Defense Position

Previously Official Rulings

Choosing Attributes is a
Trigger Effect that activates when “Disciple of the Forbidden Spell” is Summoned. Your opponent could chain “Disappear” to remove from play 1 “Disciple of the Forbidden Spell” in the Graveyard and you would choose 1 less Attribute.

If “Chain Destruction” is chained to the Trigger Effect when “Disciple of the Forbidden Spell” is Summoned, “Chain Destruction” will resolve first, so all your copies of “Disciple of the Forbidden Spell” will be in the Graveyard, and you choose a number of Attributes equal to the new amount.

If you have 2 copies of this card in the Graveyard when you Summon it, you must choose 2 different Attributes.

The effect of “Disciple of the Forbidden Spell” is activated at the start of the Damage Step, before the attacked monster is flipped face-up. If this card attacks a face-down monster, it will not be destroyed by this effect, even if it is revealed to have 1 of the chosen Attributes.