Dimension Distortion

  Normal / Spell
You can only activate this card if there are no cards in your Graveyard. Select 1 removed from play monster and Special Summon it on your side of the field. 
CARD ID: 95194279
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Dimension Distortion


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Dark Revelation Volume 2 DR2-EN044 Common---
Invasion of Chaos IOC-044 Short Print---
Invasion of Chaos IOC-EN044 Short Print---

Card Trivia

 This is the first card in the OCG/TCG that Special Summons a banished monster.


Previously Official Rulings

Your Graveyard only has to be empty when you activate "
Dimension Distortion", so if an effect is chained that puts a card in your Graveyard, "Dimension Distortion" still resolves.

"Dimension Distortion" can only Special Summon a monster that is face-up while removed from play (cannot Special Summon a monster removed with "Lightforce Sword" or "Different Dimension Capsule").

"Dimension Distortion" can Special Summon "Dark Ruler Ha Des".

When a "Special Summon-only" monster is removed, without returning to the hand or Deck, after it is Special Summoned properly, it can be Special Summoned by "Dimension Distortion".