Different Dimension Gate
Continuous / Spell
Activate this card by targeting 1 monster on each side of the field; banish those targets. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard: Return those banished monsters to the field in the same battle positions they were in.
CARD ID: 56460688
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
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TCG Set | Symbol | Rarity | Low | Avg | Trend | |
Battle Pack: Epic Dawn | BP01-EN077 | Common | - | - | - | |
Battle Pack: Epic Dawn | BP01-EN077 | Starfoil Rare | - | - | - | |
Dark Crisis | DCR-044 | Rare | - | - | - | |
Dark Crisis | DCR-EN044 | Rare | - | - | - | |
Dark Revelation Volume 1 | DR1-EN206 | Rare | - | - | - | |
War of the Giants: Round 2 | BPW2-EN071 | Super Rare | - | - | - | |
War of the Giants Reinforcements | WGRT-EN071 | Super Rare | - | - | - |
D.D. Warrior Lady appears in this card's artwork.
The gate in this card's artwork appears in the artwork of D.D. Warrior Lady, D.D. Guide, and D.D. Seeker.
The gate in this card's artwork appears in the artwork of D.D. Warrior Lady, D.D. Guide, and D.D. Seeker.
OCG Rulings
It targets 1 monster on each player's field, for a total of 2 targets.: Different Dimension Gate
If there is not 1 monster on each player's field to target, this card cannot be activated.
The banished monsters are banished in the same position they were in on the field. Therefore, if a face-down monster is targeted, it is banished face-down.
If a monster in the Extra Monster Zone was banished by the effect of "Different Dimension Gate", and then it returns to the field when "Different Dimension Gate" is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, it returns to the Main Monster Zone
You select the monsters when you activate "Different Dimension Gate".
If one player has no monsters on the field, you cannot activate "Different Dimension Gate".
The controller of "Different Dimension Gate" selects both monsters.
A monster removed with "Different Dimension Gate" doesn't take up a Monster Zone, but if there are no vacant Monster Zones when it returns to play, it is sent to the Graveyard.
If a face-down monster is selected for this effect, it will remain face-down while removed from play. So if a face-down “D.D. Scout Plane” is removed from play with this card, its effect will not activate.
When a monster removed with "Different Dimension Gate" is sent to the Graveyard with "Miracle Dig", the monster won't return to the field when "Different Dimension Gate" is destroyed, but the other monster removed with "Different Dimension Gate" will still return to the field.
When a Spirit monster is removed with "Different Dimension Gate", if it returns to play after the turn it was Summoned or Flip Summoned, it doesn't go back to the owner's hand.
When "Different Dimension Gate" is removed from the field, but not destroyed, because of "Giant Trunade" or "Emergency Provisions", the removed monsters cannot be returned to play.
When your opponent's monster on your side of the field that you control with "Change of Heart" or "Snatch Steal" is removed with "Different Dimension Gate", it returns to your side of the field when "Different Dimension Gate" is destroyed, and then immediately returns to your opponent's side of the field.
You can select a Monster Token when you activate "Different Dimension Gate", but the token is taken off the field.
If your opponent chains "Ring of Destruction" to your "Different Dimension Gate", only the surviving monster is removed from play and returns when "Different Dimension Gate" is destroyed.
When a Fusion Monster that was Special Summoned with "Summoner of Illusions" or "Magical Scientist" is removed from play with "Different Dimension Gate", it is not destroyed or returned to the Extra Deck when it returns to the field, and it no longer has "Magical Scientist’s” restriction that prevents it from attacking your opponent's Life Points directly.
When you select "Guardian Kay'est" or "The Legendary Fisherman" as a target of "Different Dimension" gate, only the other monster is removed and returns to the field when "Different Dimension Gate" is destroyed.
You can only use "Different Dimension Gate’s” effect when it is activated, even though it is a Continuous Spell Card.
D.D. Scout Plane: If "D.D. Scout Plane" is removed from play with "Different Dimension Gate", "D.D. Scout Plane"s effect activates and "D.D. Scout Plane" is Special Summoned. If "Different Dimension Gate" is later destroyed, the other removed monster is returned to the field at that time.
Dimension Fusion: You can use "Dimension Fusion" to Special Summon a monster removed from play with "Different Dimension Gate".
Guardian Kay'est: If "Guardian Kay'est" and another monster are targeted for "Different Dimension Gate", only the other monster is removed from play and returns when "Different Dimension Gate" is destroyed.
Lost Guardian: Example: Player A controls 2 monsters. Player B activates "Change of Heart" to take control of one of them, then activates "Different Dimension Gate" to remove both from play. Both monsters are in Player A's "removed zone" while removed from play (so Player A's "Lost Guardian" would have 1400 DEF). When "Different Dimension Gate" is destroyed, the monster Player B took control of will return to Player B's side of the field (if possible, if not it is destroyed) before returning to Player A's side of the field.
Magical Scientist: If the Fusion Monster isremoved from play with"Different Dimension Gate", the effect is reset and the Fusion Monster does not go back to the Extra Deck, and is not prohibited from attacking your opponent's Life Points directly.
Silent Swordsman LV3: "Silent Swordsman LV3" will negate the effects of your opponent's Spell Cards that target it, whether that Spell Card targets just "Silent Swordsman LV3" (such as "Soul Exchange") or multiple monsters ("Different Dimension Gate").
Spirit Reaper: "Spirit Reaper" is only destroyed by its own effect if it is face-up on the field when the effect designating it as a target activates, AND after the effect designating it as a target resolves If "Spirit Reaper" is removed from play with"Different Dimension Gate", then it is removed from play so it is not destroyed