Decayed Commander
Zombie / Effect

When this card is Normal Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 "Zombie Tiger" from your hand. If this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent by a direct attack: Discard 1 random card from their hand.
CARD ID: 10209545
Powered by
TCG Set | Symbol | Rarity | Low | Avg | Trend | |
Dark Revelation Volume 1 | DR1-EN065 | Common | - | - | - | |
Magician's Force | MFC-010 | Common | - | - | - | |
Speed Duel: Arena of Lost Souls | SBLS-EN032 | Common | - | - | - |
This card appears in the artworks of Dark Core and Zombie Tiger.
OCG Rulings
The effect of "Decayed Commander" only activates when it is Normal Summoned. It does not activate when "Decayed Commander" is Special Summoned/Flip Summoned/Set/etc.: Effect Monster > Decayed Commander
The effect of "Decayed Commander" does not activate if "Decayed Commander" declares a direct attack but inflicts no Battle Damage. The effect also does not activate when the Battle Damage is reduced to 0, because this is not treated as a successful direct attack.
The effect of "Zombie Tiger" which equips it to "Decayed Commander" starts a Chain
Previously Official Rulings
"Decayed Commander"s card-discarding effect only activates when "Decayed Commander" attacks directly AND deals 1 or more points of Battle Damage to the opponent, so if the opponent uses "Kuriboh" or "Waboku" then "Decayed Commander"s effect does not activate.
"Decayed Commander" does not activate its card-discarding effect if destroyed with "Ring of Destruction", or if it attacks a face-down monster while equipped with "Fairy Meteor Crush", or due to reflect damage from "Relinquished", etc.