Dark Simorgh

Winged Beast / Effect  DARK / 7
While face-up on the field, this card is also WIND-Attribute. If this card is in your hand: You can banish 1 DARK and 1 WIND monster from your GY; Special Summon this card. If this card is in your GY: You can banish 1 DARK and 1 WIND monster from your hand; Special Summon this card. Your opponent cannot Set cards.
CARD ID: 11366199
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Dark Simorgh


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Collectible Tins 2011 Wave 1 CT08-EN006 Super Rare---
Stardust Overdrive SOVR-EN092 Secret Rare---

Card Trivia

 This card is the Dark counterpart of Simorgh, Bird of Divinity.
This card has an upgraded counterpart: Simorgh of Darkness.
In Persian mythology, the Simorgh was a great bird that had seen the destruction of the world three times over. It was associated with healing and fertility.
This card is the first monster to take away an opponent's ability to Set cards.
This card's summoning methods are extremely similar to members of the Chaos series, especially Lightpulsar Dragon. The difference is that this card requires WIND monsters, instead of LIGHT.


TCG Rulings

You can Normal Summon "Dark Simorgh.": Stardust Overdrive Sneak Peek -- Card Rulings (Version 1.0)

"Dark Simorgh" prevents your opponent from Setting cards willingly or by a card effect, such as "Scrap-Iron Scarecrow".

The effects to Special Summon "Dark Simorgh" start a Chain.

If "Call of the Haunted" is Chained to the activation of "The Shallow Grave" and "Dark Simorgh" is Special Summoned as a result, the controller of "Dark Simorgh" will Special Summon a monster with "The Shallow Grave" but the opponent will not.

If "Dark Simorgh" is not in the Graveyard when the effect to Special Summon it from the Graveyard resolves, it will not be Special Summoned.

If "Ally of Justice Catastor" battles "Dark Simorgh" it will destroy "Dark Simorgh" with its effect because "Dark Simorgh's" Attribute is also treated as WIND.

If your opponent activates "Scrap-Iron Scarecrow" when you attack with "Dark Simorgh" the attack will be negated, but "Scrap-Iron Scarecrow" will go to the Graveyard because it cannot be Set.

Mentions in Other Rulings

Ally of Justice Catastor: If “Ally of Justice Catastor” battles a monster that can be treated as both DARK and another Attribute, such as “Dark Simorgh,” the effect of “Ally of Justice Catastor” will activate and destroy the monster.

Worm Call: If "Dark Simorgh" is Special Summoned by "Call of the Haunted" in a Chain with "Worm Call", the effect of "Worm Call" will not apply and no monster will be Special Summoned.

OCG Rulings

"Dark Simorgh" is a Normal Summon Monster.: Effect Monster > Dark Simorgh.

Removing from play a DARK and a WIND monster is a cost to activate the effects which Special Summon "Dark Simorgh".

The effect of "Dark Simorgh" prevents the opponent from both Setting cards from his hand and Setting cards by a card effect.

If "Dark Simorgh" is on the field when your opponent Summons "Tsukuyomi", then its effect activates but resolves without effect. If "Dark Simorgh" is on the field when you Summon "Tsukuyomi", then its effect activates and is applied.: Does the effect of "Tsukuyomi" activate if "Dark Simorgh" is on the field?

Both players may activate "Major Riot" while "Dark Simorgh" is on the field. However, when resolving the effect, the opponent may not Set monsters. You may still Set monsters, as normal.: Can "Major Riot" be activated while "Dark Simorgh" is on the field?

If the effect of "Cyber Jar" activates while "Dark Simorgh" is on the field, then the effect of "Dark Simorgh" which prevents Setting is no longer applied as soon as "Dark Simorgh" is destroyed. Thus, players may use the effect of "Cyber Jar" to Set monsters. For "Morphing Jar #2", the effect of "Dark Simorgh" is no longer applied as soon as "Dark Simorgh" is returned to the Deck, so the opponent may Set monsters in face-down Defense Position.: Can you use the effect of "Cyber Jar" or "Morphing Jar #2" to Set cards while "Dark Simorgh" is on the field?

While "Dark Simorgh" is on the field, the opponent may not Normal Summon a monster from his hand in face-down Defense Position. He may only Normal Summon a monster in face-up Attack Position. He may not Normal Summon a monster in face-up Defense Position.: Can you Normal Summon in face-up Defense Position while "Dark Simorgh" is on the field?

While the effect of "Dark Simorgh" is active, your opponent cannot activate the effect of a card like "Guardian Sphinx" or "Stealth Bird" which switches the monster to face-down Defense Position. Also, if the effect of "Guardian Sphinx" is activated and an effect like "Call of the Haunted" is chained so that "Dark Simorgh" is Special Summoned from the Graveyard, then your opponent can no longer Set, so the effect of "Guardian Sphinx" is not applied and the monster is not switched to Defense Position.: While "Dark Simorgh" is on the field, how do you resolve the effect of "Guardian Sphinx" which makes it face-down?

While "Dark Simorgh" is on the field, the opponent cannot Set cards on the field, so he cannot activate the effect of "Book of Moon", and neither player may activate "The Shallow Grave".: Can "Book of Moon" or "The Shallow Grave" be activated if "Dark Simorgh" is on the field?

"Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon" and "Dark Simorgh" are Normal Summon Monsters, so they can be Tribute Summoned from the hand. They may also be Special Summoned from the Graveyard with another card effect, even if the monster is sent directly to the Graveyard from the hand or Deck.http://yugioh.faq.konami.jp/EokpControl?&lang=en&tid=43481&event=FE0006 Konami FAQ]: Are "Dark Simorgh" and "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon" Normal Summon Monsters?

If you cannot Set because of "Dark Simorgh" or "Searchlightman", then you can still activate "Scrap-Iron Scarecrow", as long as it was Set beforehand. When resolving the effect, the attack will be negated, but "Scrap-Iron Scarecrow" will be sent to the Graveyard since it cannot be Set.: Can you Set "Scrap-Iron Scarecrow" while you cannot Set because of the effect of a card like "Dark Simorgh"?

"Ally of Justice Catastor"s effect will activate when it battles a monster with multiple Attributes, such as "Dark Simorgh" or "Light and Darkness Dragon" (assuming that "Light and Darkness Dragon" doesn't negate the effect).: When "Ally of Justice Catastor" battles with a monster with 2+ Attributes and one is DARK, can it destroy the monster?

"Dark Simorgh" will always be sent to the Graveyard by "Gozen Match". However, since it only has one Attribute while in the hand/Graveyard or while face-down on the field, it can be still be Normal/Special/Flip Summoned (however, it will be immediately be sent to the Graveyard).: With "Gozen Match", will monsters with multiple Attributes like "Elemental Mistress Doriado" be sent to the Graveyard?

The effects of "Thunder King Rai-Oh", "Black Horn of Heaven", "Solemn Judgment", and similar cards cannot negate a Special Summon which occurs during the resolution of an effect which "activates".: Please explain what Special Summons can and cannot be negated by the effects of "Thunder King Rai-Oh", "Solemn Judgment", and so on.
Example: Monsters in the hand or Graveyard are removed from play to "activate" the effects which Special Summon "Dark Simorgh". Thus, you cannot negate this with the effect of "Thunder King Rai-Oh".