Dark Magician (Arkana)

Spellcaster  DARK / 7
''The ultimate wizard in terms of attack and defense.''
CARD ID: 36996508
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Dark Magician (Arkana)

Card Trivia

 Although generally considered to be merely an Alternate Art form of the standard Dark Magician, the red Dark Magician is unusual as it is one of only two cards that not only have different artwork, but also different 8-digit passcodes, from their standard art versions. The other card that shares this property is Polymerization
The Korean version of this card does not share the unique 8-digit passcode of the Japanese and TCG versions.
The different 8-digit passcode could also be the reason for a glitch in Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dawn of Destiny where you can have three copies the standard Dark Magician and three copies of this version in the same deck.
In Yu-Gi-Oh! The Falsebound Kingdom, this card is alternatively known as Dark Magician #2 in English and Black Magician the Evil when translated from Japanese.
Interestingly, the color of this monster's hair, skin, and clothes match Bandit King Bakura. This could be intentional due to the Thief King's involvement in making the original Dark Magician.


{{:Card Rulings:Dark Magician