Dark Lucius LV8

Fiend / Effect  EARTH / 8
If this card was Special Summoned by the effect of "Dark Lucius LV6", banish your opponent's monsters destroyed by battle with this card, also negate their effects.
CARD ID: 58206034
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Dark Lucius LV8


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Cyberdark Impact CDIP-EN011 Ultimate Rare---
Cyberdark Impact CDIP-EN011 Ultra Rare---
Speed Duel Starter Decks: Twisted Nightmares SS05-ENB08 Common---

Card Trivia

 This card is based on the fallen Archangel Lucifer.


Previously Official Rulings

Dark Lucius LV8" must be on the field in order to negate a monster's effect and remove it from play. If "Dark Lucius LV8" is returned to the hand because of "Begone, Knave!", it does not negate effects or remove monsters from play.: Individual Card Rulings on Netrep

If "Dark Lucius LV8" destroys "D.D. Scout Plane", it will still be Special Summoned because you cannot negate the effect of a monster that is activated while removed from play.

Mentions in Other Rulings

Dark Lucius LV6: If "Dark Lucius LV6" destroys a monster with an Ignition Effect, like "Exiled Force", or a monster with a Trigger Effect that wouldn't activate, like "Mysterious Puppeteer", then "Dark Lucius LV6" did not negate their effects. So you cannot Special Summon "Dark Lucius LV8".

Dark Lucius LV6: If "Dark Lucius LV6" destroys "Sangan" while "Macro Cosmos" or "Grave Protector" is active, the effect of "Sangan" cannot activate, so it is not negated. So you cannot Special Summon "Dark Lucius LV8".

Dark Lucius LV6: If "Dark Lucius LV6" negates an opponent's monster effect, but is then flipped face-down, you cannot Special Summon "Dark Lucius LV8". However, if "Dark Lucius LV6" negates a monster effect, and is then temporarily removed from play with "Interdimensional Matter Transporter", when it returns to play you can Special Summon "Dark Lucius LV8".

LV Monster Rulings
{{:Card Rulings:LV