Dark Driceratops

Dinosaur / Effect  EARTH / 6
If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent.
CARD ID: 65287621
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Dark Driceratops


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Dark Revelation Volume 2 DR2-EN074 Common---
Invasion of Chaos IOC-073 Rare---
Invasion of Chaos IOC-EN073 Rare---
Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega Pack LCJW-EN150 Common---
Speed Duel Starter Decks: Ultimate Predators SS03-ENA12 Common---
Structure Deck: Dinosaur's Rage SD09-EN006 Common---

Card Trivia

 Although they cannot be seen in the card's artwork, in the World Championship video games and the GX series Dark Driceratops has wings, leading to the belief that the card was based on Griffins, mythical winged creatures that have the head and wings of an eagle and the body and legs of a lion.
Curiously enough, the Griffin link was also made in real life. The Protoceratops was thought to be the remains the mythical Griffin for countless centuries by Mongolian natives until famed Paleontologist Roy Chapman Andrews discovered the species during his exploration of the Gobi Desert in the 1900's.
The trees in this card's artwork bears a slight resemblance to Yashinoki.
The card's name comes from the dinosaur Triceratops.  The Dri part of the name could come from Drei, the German number for three.
This card appears to be an herbivore because it is eating a plant by ripping it off its roots, but closer examination also shows it has sharp teeth at the ends of its mouth.