D.D. Scout Plane

Machine / Effect  DARK / 2
Once per turn, during the End Phase, if this card is currently banished, and was banished this turn: Special Summon it in face-up Attack Position.
CARD ID: 03773196
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: D.D. Scout Plane


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Dark Revelation Volume 2 DR2-EN012 Rare---
Invasion of Chaos IOC-012 Super Rare---
Invasion of Chaos IOC-EN012 Super Rare---
Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega Pack LCYW-EN216 Rare---
The Dark Emperor Structure Deck SDDE-EN011 Common---

Card Trivia

 This monster appears in the artworks of Dimension Reversion D.D. Assault Carrier and Explosive Blast.
D.D. Scout Plane has an effect similar to that of D.D. Survivor. Furthermore, if you take 1000 of the 1200 DEF points of this card and add it to its 800 ATK you get the ATK/DEF of D.D. Survivor (1800/200).
This card resembles the Mobile Suit Ball in Mobile Suit Gundam.


OCG Rulings

"Junk Synchron" only negates effects that activate on the field. It will not negate the effect of "D.D. Scout Plane" (which activates in the Banished Zone).: When a monster is Special Summoned by "Junk Synchron", if the monster has an effect that activates when the monster is sent to the Graveyard/banished, then is the effect negated?

If "Prohibition" declares "D.D. Scout Plane", the effect of "D.D. Scout Plane" will not activate during the End Phase if "D.D. Scout Plane" is banished from the hand, Deck, or Graveyard.: When "Prohibition" is activated and declares "D.D. Scout Plane", can it be Special Summoned during the End Phase?

If "Armed Sea Hunter" destroys "D.D. Scout Plane" by battle and "D.D. Scout Plane" is banished by "Macro Cosmos", then the effect of "D.D. Scout Plane" is not negated. It will be Special Summoned during the End Phase.: Will the effect of a monster which activates in the Graveyard or in the place to where the monster is banished be negated by "Armed Sea Hunter"?

The effects of "Neo-Spacian Dark Panther" or "Phantom of Chaos" are only applied as long as "Phantom of Chaos" or "Neo-Spacian Dark Panther" are face-up on the field. When the monster leaves the field, then it no longer has the copied effects. If a monster like "Neo-Spacian Dark Panther" copies "Sangan" or "D.D. Scout Plane", then you cannot activate the effect of "Sangan" which activates in the Graveyard or the effect of "D.D. Scout Plane" which activates in the place to where cards are banished.: If "Phantom of Chaos" obtains an effect which activates in the Graveyard or the place to where cards are banished, then can the effect be activated?

If "Hundred Eyes Dragon" gains a monster's effect(s), then it has the monster's effect(s) as long as it remains face-up on the field. If "Hundred Eyes Dragon" leaves the field, then it no longer has the monster's effect(s). Thus, if "Hundred Eyes Dragon" gains the effect of "Sangan" or "D.D. Scout Plane

Previously Official Rulings

It is the
OWNER of "D.D. Scout Plane" that Special Summons it. Even if your opponent controls your "D.D. Scout Plane", if it is removed from play, you get to Special Summon it.

If you don't have a vacant Monster Card Zone when "D.D. Scout Plane" would be Special Summoned, "D.D. Scout Plane" is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard.

"D.D. Scout Plane"s effect activates whether it is removed from your hand, Deck, Graveyard, or the field.

If "D.D. Scout Plane" is removed from play and is face-down while out of play, such as with "Lightforce Sword" or "Different Dimension Capsule", "D.D. Scout Plane"s effect does not activate. But if "D.D. Scout Plane" was face-down on the field, and was removed by "Nobleman of Crossout", it is placed face-up while out of play and its effect does activate.

If "D.D. Scout Plane" is face-down on the field while "Banisher of the Light" is in play, and "D.D. Scout Plane" is destroyed by "Raigeki Break", it is removed from play and its effect activates because it is placed face-up out of play.

If "D.D. Scout Plane" is destroyed by "Dark Ruler Ha Des" and then removed from play to Special Summon "Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End", "D.D. Scout Plane"s effect activates and it will be Special Summoned.

If "D.D. Scout Plane" is destroyed by "Lesser Fiend", "D.D. Scout Plane"s effect activates and it is Special Summoned even if "Dark Ruler Ha Des" was also in play when it was destroyed.

If "D.D. Scout Plane" is removed during an End Phase, it is Special Summoned with its effect during that same End Phase.

"D.D. Scout Plane"s effect can only activate once during the same End Phase, so if a combo of "Banisher of the Light" and "King Tiger Wanghu" is set up, "D.D. Scout Plane" will only be Special Summoned once.

If "D.D. Scout Plane" is removed from play and then returned to the Graveyard with "Miracle Dig" the same turn, its effect is reset and it remains in the Graveyard and is not Special Summoned.

If "Prohibition" was used and "D.D. Scout Plane" is prohibited, "D.D. Scout Plane" cannot be Special Summoned and remains removed from play.

If "D.D. Scout Plane" is removed from play with "Different Dimension Gate", "D.D. Scout Plane"s effect activates and "D.D. Scout Plane" is Special Summoned. If "Different Dimension Gate" is later destroyed, the other removed monster is returned to the field at that time.

Mentions in Other Rulings

D.D. Survivor:" If "D.D. Scout Plane"is removed from play with "Interdimensional Matter Transporter", you can choose whether it is Special Summoned (with its effect) or returned to the field (with "Interdimensional Matter Transporter").

Dark Lucius LV8:" If "Dark Lucius LV8" destroys "D.D. Scout Plane", it will still be Special Summoned because you cannot negate the effect of a monster that is activated while removed from play.

Destiny HERO - Doom Lord:" You can select a face-up or face-down monster to remove from play. A face-down monster removed with this effect will remain face-down while removed from play. So if a face-down "D.D. Scout Plane" is removed from play, its effect will not activate.

Different Dimension Gate:" If a face-down monster is selected for this effect, it will remain face-down while removed from play. So if a face-down "D.D. Scout Plane" is removed from play with this card, its effect will not activate.

Elemental Absorber:" The effect will continue even if the removed Monster Card doesn't stay removed from play. For example, if the removed monster is "D.D. Scout Plane" it will be Special Summoned during the End Phase, and your opponent's DARK monsters will still not be able to attack.

Junk Synchron: . If you Special Summon "D.D. Scout Plane", its effect will activate when it is removed from play.

Return from the Different Dimension:" If"D.D. Scout Plane" is Special Summoned by "Return from the Different Dimension", when it is removed from play during the End Phase it will be Special Summoned back to the field during the same End Phase.