Convulsion of Nature

  Continuous / Spell
As long as this card remains face-up on the field, both players must turn their respective Decks upside down and proceed with the current Duel. 
CARD ID: 62966332
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Convulsion of Nature


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Dark Beginning 2 DB2-EN193 Common---
Legacy of Darkness LOD-084 Common---
Legacy of Darkness LOD-EN084 Common---

Card Trivia

 This is so far the only card in the game to flip a player's Deck.
This card shows 6 natural disasters; a volcano eruption, a flood, a thunderstorm, an earthquake, a wildfire, and a tornado. Each of these disasters represent the six Attributes
Volcano: FIRE
Flood: WATER
Thunderstorm: LIGHT
Earthquake: EARTH
Wildfire: DARK
Tornado: WIND


OCG Rulings

While the effect of "Gravekeeper's Servant" is active, your opponent cannot attack without sending a card from the top of their Deck to the Graveyard.: While "Gravekeeper's Servant" and "Macro Cosmos" or "Dimensional Fisure" are active, can the opponent declare an attack?
If the effect of "Macro Cosmos" or "Banisher of the Light" is active, then your opponent cannot send a card from the Deck to the Graveyard, so your opponent cannot declare an attack.
If the effect of "Dimensional Fissure" is active, then it is unknown whether or not the top card of the opponent's Deck is a Monster Card, so your opponent cannot declare an attack.
If the effects of both "Dimensional Fissure" and "Convulsion of Nature" are active, then it is known whether or not the top card of the opponent's Deck is a Monster Card, so your opponent can attack only if the top card of his Deck is a Spell or Trap Card.

The effect of "Wrecker Panda" is not an effect that can only be activated if the top card of your Deck is a Monster Card. Even if the top card of your Deck was revealed as a Spell/Trap Card by the effect of "Convulsion of Nature", the effect of "Wrecker Panda" can be activated. (In that case, sending the top card of your Deck to the Graveyard is considered the last thing to happen. It does not gain ATK.): While the effect of "Convulsion of Nature" is being applied, if the top card of your Deck is not a Monster Card, can you activate the effect of "Wrecker Panda"?

Even if the top card of your Deck was revealed by the effect of "Convulsion of Nature", the effect of "Absolute King Back Jack" can be activated. In that case, if the top card of your Deck is a Normal Trap Card, it is Set on your field normally. Otherwise, it is sent to the Graveyard.: While the effect of "Convulsion of Nature" is being applied, can you excavate the top card of your Deck by the effect of "Absolute King Back Jack"?

Even if the top card of your Deck was revealed by the effect of "Convulsion of Nature", the effect of "Dr. Frankenderp" can be activated. (In that case, the effect is applied normally. Also, the effect "reveal it and add it to your hand: While the effect of "Convulsion of Nature" is being applied, can you activate the effect of "Dr. Frankenderp"?

Previously Official Rulings

When this card's effect is active, both Decks are flipped upside down, and now the face of the top card of the Deck is showing.

If a card effect requires a player to shuffle their Deck, it is shuffled and cut face-down so the cards are not seen, and then placed face-up in the Deck Zone.

If a "
Parasite Paracide" is face-up in your Deck before this card is activated, it will become face-down once this card is active. Its effect will still activate when it is drawn.

If 2 copies of "Convulsion of Nature" are active, the Decks are still upside-down (they do not revert to normal).

Mentions in Other Rulings

Archfiend's Oath: You can activate "Archfiend's Oath" while "Convulsion of Nature" is active.

Grave Lure: If your Deck is already face-up because of "Convulsion of Nature", then the card from "Grave Lure" is turned face-down.

Pharaoh's Treasure: If "Convulsion of Nature" is active, place "Pharaoh's Treasure" face-down so that it is the opposite direction of the rest of the cards.

Senri Eye: You can use the effect of "Senri Eye" if the top card on the Deck is face-up (due to "Convulsion of Nature" or "Parasite Paracide"), and in that case you don't hide the card from your opponent.